While I love the snowy white, today my mind is floating toward spring. I think it’s interesting to look out my windows and see an icy land baren of life-affirming greenery, but I know beneath the snow, buried in the earth, are the resting seeds that will soon root and unfold into the sunlight.
Read MoreThere are so many ways to practice mindfulness. Deep breathing is one. So is gratitude, a nature walk, chewing your food slowly to really taste it, prayer, journaling, brushing your hair, hugging a tree, music, and so on.
Read MoreMy dad told me a joke the other day. It goes something like this: At a convention, a motivational speaker asked three audience members the same question, “If you died, what would you want people to say about you as they looked at you in your casket?”
Read MoreThere have been times in my life when something was too painful and too awful for me to fully accept the experience in the moment. The sudden death of my brother 18 years ago was one of them. He was only 42 at the time, with a wife and young son of 8.
Read More“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.”― Dr. Seuss
Read MoreJust four days until the BIG day. How are you holding up? Are you feeling stressed? Pressured? Like you’re about to be shot out of a cannon without a helmet?
Read MoreThere’s usually a lot of socializing this time of year, perhaps with people you don’t know well such as co-worker life partners, or perhaps with people you’re very familiar with like family and friends. But one thing that will make you the hit of any event is to be a good listener.
Read MoreThere are two powerful philosophies I believe can change your life from that of victim, to conscious creator. The first is remembering that no matter what’s happening in your life it’s happening for you. Not to you.
Read MoreHave you ever glanced up at a clock and noticed the time was 1:11 or 2:22? Have you ever pumped gas and the total came to $33.33? Or gotten a bill that was exactly $44.44? Or received back change of $5.55?
Read MoreThanksgiving—my favorite holiday. All of the good food and feels, and none of the extra shopping. Thanksgiving is also a typical time for intentionally recalling blessings. Another score on my books for this holiday. 😊
Read MoreIf you’re one of my Facebook friends, I apologize upfront for writing about something this week that I already posted on my page. However, I think this information is so valuable, I’m resharing in case you missed it.
Read MoreHere’s a life fact: No one gets everything right or does the right thing100 percent of the time. All of us make mistakes, guaranteed. We might not enjoy our problems and challenging experiences, but they can be viewed as opportunities for expansion in depth and wisdom on every level—physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. Through the handling of our challenges, we learn more about who we are.
Read MoreThe most important question you’ll ever ask yourself is: Is this the truth about me? A while back I was on the phone with my brother and he said, “Sometimes I feel like you don’t listen to me…”
Read MoreA lot of people suffer from anxiety to the point it controls how they live their lives, but there’s good news. You can help your body calm by practicing one simple technique. Something you’re already doing, but almost never consciously.
Read MoreHave you ever had a moment where you thought you were absolutely going to lose it? Been so angry, or so hurt you could feel yourself collapsing into one giant Chernobyl meltdown with no stopping? KABOOM!
Read MoreNot long ago I read a fascinating article published in 2001 by the National Library of Medicine. The article was based on a study conducted in July 2000 on the possible “effects of remote, retroactive intercessory prayer on outcomes in patients with bloodstream infection: double blind, parallel group, randomized controlled trial.”
Read MoreI’ve come to realize it takes longer for most humans to get over illnesses because we internalize our stories. It seems we’re addicted to stories, especially traumatic ones, and keep retelling them.
Read MoreFall! Here we go. Back to school, change of season, change of schedules, change of diet, less sun/daylight, and BIG energycontinuing to move like giant rolling waves throughout our bodies and the entire planet.
Read MoreHow often have you heard, “Think outside the box?” Gazillions of times, right? In fact, I often remind myself and anyone who will listen, the “box” doesn’t exist. It’s simply a construct of the mind to limit your life experience to one it believes is safer or more comfortable.
Read MoreYour brain has a right side and a left side. The right side thinks in pictures instead of words. It uses imagination and intuition to see a bigger picture. The left side is word focused and hones in on the details first and puts them together to form a bigger picture.
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