What song is a powerful mindfulness technique?


There are so many ways to practice mindfulness. Deep breathing is one. So is gratitude, a nature walk, chewing your food slowly to really taste it, prayer, journaling, brushing your hair, hugging a tree, music, and so on.

Mindfulness slows down the racing mind and heart, and lifts your vibrational frequency from a negative focus to one of present moment appreciation and sanity.

But I’ve discovered so does singing one particular song—Happy Birthday.

When you sing happy birthday to yourself at the top of your lungs, you can’t help but feel better. You become that enthusiastic, joyful child again.  

Think of a toddler and how they go about life, constantly experimenting with what works and what doesn’t. The world is their playground. As you get older, you begin to lose touch with the thrill of life and why you’re here in favor of what others tell you. Your efforts go toward trying to fit into a world of someone else’s making.

By singing happy birthday to yourself every single day (more if you want to), you’re remembering your true nature as a wise creator and that your time on earth is for you to play and experiment through your challenges and experiences. That no matter what came before, your life is always new, always fresh in the present moment and you get to decide how to proceed. 

So light some candles and sing your birthday song to celebrate the joy of your creative abilities, and to remember who you are and why you are here.

(Words to Happy Birthday):
Happy birthday to me
Happy birthday to me
Happy birthday to me-eeeee
Happy birthday to me.

And as always, I’m available for private sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance in the form of energy work or intuitive life coaching.

2023Mary BauerComment