How to prove you are already an accurate channel


Your brain has a right side and a left side. The right side thinks in pictures instead of words. It uses imagination and intuition to see a bigger picture. The left side is word focused and hones in on the details first and puts them together to form a bigger picture.

The right side of the brain is thought of as creative and lives in the present, the fluid, and the new. The left side is a logical skeptic, likes lists, science information, and wants to protect you from anything outside of the normal.

This is a super simplified way of understanding how the two sides of your brain operate. You were born with all you need to know what’s right for you, the problem is you don’t trust it. In order to prove to yourself that you are already receiving accurate messages channeled through your intuition, here’s a little exercise designed to use both sides of your brain.

  1. This week pay attention to everything that just “pops” into your head and write it down. As an example, maybe you start thinking about a friend for no reason, or you get into a grocery store and without knowing why, you buy something you normally wouldn’t, or you feel compelled to turn left to go home instead of right.

    Or maybe you get a feeling or thought that someone you know is in trouble, or you know it’s going to rain even though it isn’t predicted, or someone is going to say something specific to you, or there’s a front parking spot, etc. List every one of these things that just pops in like this.

  2. As the week goes by, check off everything on your list that happens. For example, the day you turned left to go home instead of right, you find out road construction had the traffic backed up, or a neighbor called looking for that extra ingredient you bought at the store, or your friend called thinking of you too, or you called your friend and they shared their troubles, etc.

At the end of the week, you’ll find just how often you get “hits” of channeled information that is accurate and helpful and something you can trust, yet is often dismissed as coincidence. Bright ideas, luck, synchronistic events can simply be your natural way of channeling your information and following through with action on what feels right to you.

And as always, I’m available for private sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance in the form of energy work or intuitive life coaching.

2022Mary BauerComment