Is our obsession with “the light” based on cellular memory?


While I love the snowy white, today my mind is floating toward spring. I think it’s interesting to look out my windows and see an icy land baren of life-affirming greenery, but I know beneath the snow, buried in the earth, are the resting seeds that will soon root and unfold into the sunlight.

It’s the nature of plants to move toward the light, yet they are very much rooted in the dark. The soil contains the nutrients and water they need to grow, bloom, and bear fruit.  

There’s a lot of talk right now about the shadow self, and people seem to think of this as a person’s “dark side.” The painful, trauma-driven part that no one wants to listen to or work with. We want only to leave these painful dark parts and move into the light. But just like the root of the plant that lives in the dark, how we tend the root determines the fruit.

We are missing a great learning opportunity if we try to deny the part of us that suffers in favor of a one-sided idea about a pseudo reality that all will be better for us once we transcend into the light.   

I listened to a podcast recently where the guest believed our obsession with “the light” stemmed from biology. As the single-cell organisms at the bottom of the ocean evolved into something more—like plants, they turned toward the sun and developed through photosynthesis. Since we are part of the All, we carry within our cellular memory this beginning, thus our desire to “go to the light.” An interesting concept. 

What I know is on Earth we experience both night and day—dark and light. Neither is better than the other. They simply are the way this planet works and both are needed to sustain life as we know it.

We don’t have to make this process hard. We can simply ask: What am I learning from this? Trust that you are learning how to turn dark situations into light ones. How to see they are one in the same—a process for your evolution into self-mastery by becoming the conscious nature that is eternally you. The deeper the learning, the more powerful the gifts of understanding can be.

And as always, I’m available for private sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance in the form of energy work or intuitive life coaching.

2023Mary BauerComment