The miracle technique for anxiety


A lot of people suffer from anxiety to the point it controls how they live their lives, but there’s good news. You can help your body calm by practicing one simple technique. Something you’re already doing, but almost never consciously.

Before learning this miracle technique, let’s first understand what anxiety is.

The dictionary’s psychiatric definition states, (anxiety) is a mental condition characterized by excessive apprehensiveness about real or perceived threats, typically leading to avoidance behaviors and often to physical symptoms such as increased heart rate and muscle tension.

Physically, anxiety is an over active nervous system reaction to the body’s interpretation of danger when there isn’t any. This false sense of impending death creates physical body reactions such as increased breathing, increased heart rate, increased muscle tension.

In primitive times, the nervous system kicked in so you could keep a sharp eye out for animals that would eat you. This gave you the ability for fight or flight. For many people today, if there’s a looming work deadline or a big social event to attend, their nervous system activates in the same way as if these circumstances are every bit as life threatening as running from a tiger. You’re not in the same danger, but your nervous system doesn’t know that.

So, if your deadlines aren’t going away but you want to end the fight or flight nervous system reaction, then you’re ready for the miracle solution: deep breathing.

That’s right, deep breathing calms anxiety. Maybe that’s not the sexy, thrilling remedy you were hoping for, but let me explain why it works so well.

You have a very long nerve that connects your brain to just about every organ in your body. It’s called the vagus nerve and when consciously activated, you calm down.

You have sensors in your lungs. When breathing, the longer the exhale the more you stimulate the lung sensors. This activates the vagus nerve that connects with the heart which automatically slows the rate, and tells your brain that it’s okay to be calm. You are safe.

Cool hunh!

Practice the slow deep breath by inhaling through your nose and exhaling as long as you can through your mouth. You’ll take a serious notch out of your anxiety level and make your nervous system happy.

And as always, I’m available for private sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance in the form of energy work or intuitive life coaching.

2022Mary BauerComment