What do you think about you?


My dad told me a joke the other day. It goes something like this:

At a convention, a motivational speaker asked three audience members the same question, “If you died, what would you want people to say about you as they looked at you in your casket?”

The woman said, “I’d like people to say that I was a good doctor and did all I could to help my patients.”

One of the men said, “I’d like people to say that I was a kind man who loved his wife and family.”

The other man said, “I’d like people to say, ‘I think I saw him move.’”

😊 😊 😊

Joking aside, the question about what you’d want people to say or think about you is a big part of why humanity is suffering. What others think or say about you is not worth a moment of your time, because you have no control over their thoughts, feelings, or actions. Only yours.

The real question up for consideration is: What do you think about you?

This is the place of your creative power. What you think and feel determines your idea of your reality. Your thoughts and feelings are energy. They are the living force that is the blueprint of how you create your experiences.

We are at the beginning of a brand-new year with unlimited possibilities in front of us. This is the perfect time to decide that your life is for you. Here’s some questions you may want to consider as you move forward into 2023 as a conscious creator:

  1. What do I think about me?

  2. What is the narrative that runs in my head about me? Is it kind and supportive? Is it critical, judgmental, fearful?

  3. What do I say about me to other people? Am I honest? Are my words positive or negative?

  4. What would I want to be true about me and does this match my idea about me?

  5. Do I believe I know what is right for me, or do I believe other people know better for me?

  6. How do I know what is right for me? Is it a feeling? What is the feeling and where do I feel it in my body? Is it a knowing? How do I receive my knowing?

  7. How do I know what is wrong for me? Is it a feeling? What is the feeling and where do I feel it in my body? Is it a knowing? How do I receive my knowing?

  8. Do I go against what I feel or know is right for me?

  9. Am I afraid to do what is right for me? Why?

  10. What do I think will happen if I do what is right for me?

  11. Do I care more about what other people think of me than living my unique life for me while allowing others to do the same without my judgment?

These are hard questions, but you will see in your answers how you are creating your life by how you are living your life.

This is good news. Once you see it, your idea of who you are and how you create expands. The choices you make change from a powerless victim perspective of blame, shame, and guilt, to one of empowerment through objective observation of your choices through your experiences.

If you don’t know who you are, you will believe you are who someone else says you are and life will play out accordingly. You will then be obliged to try to live this way, or convince the world this isn’t you. This keeps you stuck in a looping identity crisis of justifying or defending the false sense of you. This is suffering, but you get to decide what is true about you.   

And as always, I’m available for private sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance in the form of energy work or intuitive life coaching.

2023Mary BauerComment