How are you influencing reality?


“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.”― Dr. Seuss

Don’t you just love the wisdom of Dr. Seuss? Especially this encouraging truth that you are in charge of your life. You are responsible for where you put your focus.

I find that comforting. The notion that I have the power to think what I think, feel what I feel no matter what anyone else does. I choose my thoughts and feelings—no one else. What I focus on, becomes my idea of reality.

However, I’m not the only one living on earth. All 7.9 billion of us are creating with our thoughts and feelings. We are all co-creating, influencing reality. That’s a lot of power and it’s referred to as the ripple effect.
But what does that mean for you as an individual creator?

If you want something different, then it’s important to take responsibility for all of it in order to stay out of victimhood. You begin to do that once you understand that your thoughts and feelings directly impact the whole of humanity by either adding a greater persuasive power to the creative energy of fear, or to the creative energy of love.

What does that look like?

Here’s an example:
Don’t like how the politicians are running things? That’s fine, you don’t have to. But calling them names and making them less than human IS using the energy of fear. Fear makes you believe someone is separate or less than you so you have the right to treat them this way. This is never true. Never. And have you noticed a momentum of hate and fear in others once you go down this path? Suddenly everyone you meet is crabby, spiteful, or mean to you.

Instead, try taking a breath and once you feel peaceful inside, focus on expanding this peace into the world as large as you can make it. Only you have to feel peaceful and everyone automatically has the feeling available to them, including our leaders. This is our connected reality. You can also feel the courage that it takes to change a narrative of separation and fear, and expand that as well.

You decide what energy you use by your focus. What is the story you tell yourself? As part of humanity, you can and do make a difference simply by thinking and feeling. Does the future look hopeful or bleak to you? What energy do you want to see more of in your life—fear or love?

You must choose to align your focus as much as you can with what you desire and see where you’re not doing it. No one will force you. No one has the power to think or feel for you.

You are that one person who makes all the difference in what comes next. You can be the person who claps for another instead of tearing them down. You can be the person who takes a breath and finds patience. You can be the person who learns to view the world from the perspective of another.     

This is what Dr. Seuss is talking about. You are the one who decides your path. As we welcome in a new year of possibilities, which way will you steer yourself?  

And as always, I’m available for private sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance in the form of energy work or intuitive life coaching.

2022Mary BauerComment