Are you experiencing these September/October body symptoms?


Fall! Here we go. Back to school, change of season, change of schedules, change of diet, less sun/daylight, and BIG energycontinuing to move like giant rolling waves throughout our bodies and the entire planet.

EVERYONE feels this in some way. If you are experiencing your body as something alien to you during September and October, you are not alone. Body aches, night sweats, sinus issues, skin rashes, migraines, zero motivation, exhaustion and the flip side--can't sleep. ALL normal right now.

My suggestion: go with it. Don't fight your body and what it tells you. Help it by asking what it needs. Exhausted? Take a nap. Skin rash? Soothe it lovingly with gentle touch. Body aches? Epson salt baths work wonders. Migraines? Up your Vitamin D3 and do your breathwork at the very onset of the headache.

Take a look at your toothpaste and if Fluoride is an ingredient, change toothpastes. Same with deodorant with aluminum. Get rid of it.

TRUST your body and don't go against it! Listen to what it tells you because it is working big time integrating energies and transforming cellular structures in your best way so you can move forward as humanity takes a giant leap into a future with greater awareness of what it means to be human AND Love.

If you want to dive a little deeper into why you feel anxious or don’t trust your own beautifully accurate intuition and how to change that, Kristine Kieland and I are offering a three-part class guaranteed to shine some light on the surprising causes that limit your ability to live and function with complete awareness and understanding. Click the link below for The Great Hoax and How to End It.

And as always, I’m available for private sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance in the form of energy work or intuitive life coaching.

2022Mary BauerComment