About Mary
Why I do what I do:
A client came to me so completely shattered by rape she needed help just to walk into my office because she was shaking so badly. Filing a police report was out of the question in her severely traumatized state.
After two energy sessions she looked like a new person, smiling, her eyes and complexion bright. She stated she felt better and slept better than she had in a very long time.
The reason for her remarkable transformation is we uncovered and transmuted the root cause that created her unconscious life-long pattern of abuse and unworthiness that had eventually culminated in her current experience. Afterward, my client went to the police, filed a report, and obtained a restraining order against her attacker.
She had one more session so she could face her attacker in court. By the end of that session, she was able to view the experience of rape with less emotional charge and see it for what it brought her--an end to an unworthiness pattern. She could now confidently speak up for herself in all the places in her life that she couldn't before, and take the action needed to end her dysfunctional relationships for good.
I’ve been privileged to witness many such miracles. Much of healing takes place when you understand why something happens and ultimately, for what benefit.
I’m devoted to helping you get to the heart of your problem and provide meaningful action steps to create lasting solutions. I work with adults (and children) with all types of traumas, illnesses, and concerns from career questions to suicidal thoughts, and find energy work combined with my innate intuitive and psychic skills provide the nurturing, loving support a person needs to bring the clarity necessary to heal whatever is preventing them from living their best lives.
You deserve to experience every joy and fulfillment your heart holds for you, and my commitment is to help you understand and change whatever it is that’s holding you back.
I believe in you. The same power that created whole universes is within you. Everything is possible.
Much love for your greatest understanding and healing,
“In my session with Mary, I got rid of a debilitating belief about guilt and my worth as a wife since my husband became ill with dementia. I had also lost my glasses and needed them to legally drive. Right after the session the optometrist retested my eyes for a new prescription, but my eyes had improved and tested OK to drive day or night without corrective lenses! He even gave me a note as proof in case I was stopped by the police. I shifted my belief in not wanting to see life as it is and my eyes drastically improved. Amazing!”
“Everything makes more sense after talking to you (Mary). I can’t tell you how much that 90 minutes with you helped me. You truly have a gift. I feel lighter and got rid of some junk that had been eating away at my energy for years. I should’ve made an appointment sooner. So very thankful for you.”
“Mom is getting much stronger physically and more confident since you’ve been seeing her. She’s a lot calmer and happier, easier to be around and less negative about things. It’s nice to see the progress she’s making. Thanks for all you do to help her.”