Your current thoughts can heal your past


Not long ago I read a fascinating article published in 2001 by the National Library of Medicine. The article was based on a study conducted in July 2000 on the possible “effects of remote, retroactive intercessory prayer on outcomes in patients with bloodstream infection: double blind, parallel group, randomized controlled trial.”

Almost 3400 patients were selected for the study from several University hospitals. Roughly half were prayed for and the other group was not. “Prayer” was loosely defined as the intention for the well-being and full recovery of the whole group. The study measured:

  1. Mortality in hospital

  2. Length of stay in hospital

  3. Duration of fever

Oh, and by the way, the people in the year 2000 were praying for the people between the years 1990-1996.

What??? That’s right. People were praying for those in the past.

Interesting, isn’t it. And the results were equally so. The results concluded that mortality rate was not overly significant in measure, a little over a percent less died in the intervention group. But the length of stay in the hospital and duration of fever was significantly shorter.

Here’s the study link if interested:

So, why are these results such a big deal and why should you care?

Everything is energy. Everything, including your thoughts (prayers, intentions) and feelings. Energy is creative. Lots of energy clumped together forms matter, such as you. Your thoughts matter because they turn into matter. Your thoughts become the very reality you live.

This study is important because it proves what you think and truly feel in the moment, can have a real affect on your past as well as your future.

I encourage you to be compassionately gentle with yourself as you think of your past. Try not to recreate what you experienced through regret or guilt or any type of criticism. Don’t beat yourself up. Don’t tell yourself you should’ve known better or done things differently. In a real way, this will only create more suffering for your past self. Remember you did the best you could based on what you knew at that time. Send love to the former version of yourself and you will experience that love in all timelines including now and into your future.

Love always heals all by ending any false thoughts you have about who you are and your experiences. Love moves you into profound appreciation for your life and everyone in it. It is the great transformer of perception.

And as always, I’m available for private sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance in the form of energy work or intuitive life coaching.

2022Mary BauerComment