Stress relief in box form


How often have you heard, “Think outside the box?” Gazillions of times, right? In fact, I often remind myself and anyone who will listen, the “box” doesn’t exist. It’s simply a construct of the mind to limit your life experience to one it believes is safer or more comfortable.

Today, I’m actually encouraging you to think of an imaginary square in order to complete a wonderful stress reliever known as Box Breathing. This is yogic deep breathing designed to calm and restore sanity, and I don’t know a person on Earth that can’t use a bit of that from time to time. Here’s the steps:

  1. Sit straight with feet flat on the floor, palms up.

  2. Exhale from your mouth for a slow count of 4 while imagining a square or box. As you count, trace each side of the square as you would if you were drawing it—1, 2, 3, 4.

  3. Hold for a count of 4 with a focus on your empty lungs.

  4. Inhale through your nose for a count of 4 tracing the box as before.

  5. Hold for a count of 4 with a focus on your full lungs.

  6. Repeat the 4-second rotation process for a couple minutes or longer until calm and relaxed.

Use Box Breathing if you’re anxious about something or as a preventive measure when you are about to enter a situation that causes you anxiety like a social event, work meeting, family gathering, etc. You can also use it to clear your mind in order to receive creative ideas.

And as always, I’m available for private sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance in the form of energy work or intuitive life coaching.

2022Mary BauerComment