Two philosophies that can change your life


There are two powerful philosophies I believe can change your life from that of victim, to conscious creator. The first is remembering that no matter what’s happening in your life it’s happening for you. Not to you.

And second is making every decision in your life from the feeling of get to, versus “should.”

But what do these two beliefs look like in action? How do they apply in real life? Here’s two beautiful examples:

I have a friend Lori whose beloved husband died on May 16, 2020 from ALS—a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that controls muscle movement. She was devasted beyond words. Her husband was her soulmate.

When they got the ALS diagnosis, Lori immediately quit her job and became her husband’s full-time caregiver. A year later, on the anniversary of his death, she fell down a flight of stairs and broke most of the bones on her right side including her hip.

After five weeks in an out-of-state hospital, in the middle of a pandemic away from family and friends, grief-stricken, lonely, in pain, Lori lapsed into despair. But something changed for Lori. She learned to “flip her script,” as she says. “I’ve learned life doesn’t happen to us; it happens for us. I’ve found acceptance of adversities, and discovered blessings in all the tough stuff.”

Lori is now a popular inspirational guest speaker, writer, and fierce ALS advocate. She’s raised almost a million dollars for research, and was an integral part of the grassroot movement that became The ACT for ALS bill—legislation that provides more federal funding for ALS research.

There’s not a day that goes by that Lori doesn’t grieve the loss of her husband, but she lives as a woman who deeply loves him and her life. To learn more or make a donation, here’s Lori’s link:

Then there’s my friend Ruth. She makes greeting cards by the hundreds. She spends hours clipping bits of ribbon and lace and fashioning them onto colorful scraps of paper stamped with a meaningful message. Inside, she writes notes from her heart and sends them to people who might need a little lift.

I asked her once about all the effort it takes to create her cards. To me, they’re beautiful but look like a LOT of work. She said, “I get to make them. I feel peaceful and joyful when I make them. They’re my fun.”

When you get a card from Ruth, it’s so much more. It’s the energy of peace, joy, happiness, contentment. It’s Ruth’s loving prayer for you straight from her heart to yours. You automatically feel better just looking at it.

We can’t always change our circumstances—bad things do and will happen. But these women (and so many more folks) inspire me by being who they are no matter their daily challenges. They are doing such good in this world by simply and awesomely following what feels right to them. They are living as if their life is for them and they get to decide how to live it.

Be you, authentically you and nothing less. You are the miracle. You are the Life Force living for the pure joy of getting to no matter what that might look like.   

And as always, I’m available for private sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance in the form of energy work or intuitive life coaching.

2022Mary BauerComment