What is the meaning behind repeating numbers?


Have you ever glanced up at a clock and noticed the time was 1:11 or 2:22? Have you ever pumped gas and the total came to $33.33? Or gotten a bill that was exactly $44.44? Or received back change of $5.55?

These exact repeating numbers usually make us pause and contemplate their meaning, especially if they occur with some regularity.

For the past several months I experience these repetitive numbers sequentially every afternoon whenever I look at a clock. I see them in order from 1:11 to 5:55.

So, what does this mean other than being kind of cool? Or is that all it means as these numbers occur in time twice a day every day.

Well… some people who notice repeating numbers believe they are angel messages or signs from loved ones. Some believe they are an alignment with their soul self. Others believe the numbers themselves carry meaning and use the study of numerology to sort things out.

I think all the above is true for the person doing the noticing, because they believe it’s true. So, for them, it is. Period. I certainly have no idea what’s true or not for someone else, so I believe them.

For me, the repetitive numbers are a fun opportunity to take a pause and consciously create the life I determine is best for me. To remind myself everything I notice outside myself is something I carry within.

Could I be looking at the clock at the exact right moment because I get a nudge from my highest self or spiritual team? Sure. Why not? I once noticed a license plate that read: Harry555. I called my son immediately and learned my grandson Harry, who was age 5 at the time, had been lost in a forest for a couple hours and was just found.

But it’s what I decide to do when I notice things such as this that matters most to me. How do I wish to use this cool phenomenon as the creative being I am?

With repetitive numbers, I usually pause and intend something like peace in my heart. Or clarity and patience. Or appreciation for my life. Or seeing alignment with those who can help with a project I’m working on.

I encourage you to view all phenomenon as an opportunity to go within and consciously determine what everything means to you as if you are the one who gifted the moment to yourself. From a soul perspective, you did.

Don’t get caught up in what other people believe something signifies, and don’t condemn them either. If an experience brings you peace and a sense of wonder and loving support, in my opinion that’s a good enough reason to embrace whatever the moment means to you.

Use whatever tools make sense to you, but never lose site that your life is uniquely yours for the express purpose to expand, evolve, and grow through the creative process called life experience. Your life, and all your experiences, mean what you say they mean for you—even if you decide there is no meaning. You get to decide.    

And as always, I’m available for private sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance in the form of energy work or intuitive life coaching.

2022Mary BauerComment