The secret tool for dismantling Chernobyl-like meltdowns


Have you ever had a moment where you thought you were absolutely going to lose it? Been so angry, or so hurt you could feel yourself collapsing into one giant Chernobyl meltdown with no stopping? KABOOM!

And in the aftermath, when everything has cooled and your loved ones are wide-eyed and distancing themselves from you, have you wondered what happened to create such explosive energy inside you?

Big fight or flight emotions happened.

Sometimes these feelings run so deep because they’ve been buried for so long without expression. When they finally surface it’s as if a bomb goes off inside you. You momentarily feel better when all that pent up energy you’ve been carrying is released, but no one in your fallout does. Then the regret kicks in and the whole cycle begins again.

What you feel is never wrong so try not to make it wrong. Feelings are simply body communication for an experience you’re having. Big feelings like anger are often relaying the message there’s something within the experience you’re having that’s a trigger for you. Triggers are simply an unexplored or not fully understood experience trapped in your cellular memory for you to look at. Once fully understood, it shifts your entire perception of the experience.

I’ve come to view my hardest, most painful moments as my greatest evolutionary gifts once I understand them. Would I consciously choose to experience them? Absolutely not. But when it’s all over, I’m always grateful to the person or circumstance that triggered me. They become a gift because their participation (whether conscious or not) helped me release the pain that was inside me all along. I find this human process weird, yet miraculous.

This miracle of honest self-examination and compassionate understanding is available to every one of us every second of every day. We simply must be aware enough to choose it.

I know it’s extremely difficult to be aware when in caught up in big emotions like anger. So, here’s the secret tool I use to help me move from Chernobyl to awareness: I pause.

I put a little space between the emotion and the reaction by pausing. My pause is often a deep breath. That allows some space within me that’s different than the emotion (anger) and I’m no longer completely encompassed by it. Now my sane, intuitive heart center has an opportunity to respond to the trigger versus react.

Responding versus reaction gives me so many choices. I can move further into my heart and find peace and extend that outward by choosing to put myself in someone else’s shoes, or I can simply walk away without exploding. Then I soul search to find out what triggered me in the first place and why. If it was a disagreement, I move into why I feel the need to be right, or why I’m not okay if other people don’t think like I do? Then I work on what that fear brings up, such as why I need to be validated by others, etc.

Do not underestimate the power of the pause. It stands between reaction and response, and will help move you from the fear-based mind, into pure conscious love for yourself and all others.

And as always, I’m available for private sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance in the form of energy work or intuitive life coaching.

2022Mary BauerComment