Intuitive Mentorship Packages
Are you courageous enough to desire a big, full life even if it means stepping out of your comfort zone?
Is there something inside you that’s shouting I was born for this! Even though you may not know exactly what it is?
Intuitive Mentorship is for you if you’re ready to commit to the wisdom of your soul and you’re not messing around anymore! You’re excited to fulfill your Divine potential as a state of living—a relentless call to action while diving into your untapped spiritual depths.
You are not too much for this world, nor are you not enough. You are perfectly designed to be exactly who you are. Your talents and skills are absolutely what is needed in the world in this very minute.
Let’s find out who and what that is together. Let’s uncover and connect to the power residing in you that calls to you now. The power that has always known who you are and what you are capable of.Connecting for 60-minutes, once a week will provide sound advice and tools to keep you on your own best creative track.
Because it’s a weekly check-in, you don’t get stuck in old patterns. You’re able to talk about what happened in a safe nonjudgmental loving environment and immediately get the support and highest wisdom of your stellar inner guidance. You’ll feel lighter, freer, and empowered at the end of each session--like there’s nothing you can’t handle or create!
Intuitive Mentorship can help you to:
Recognize when you’re working more often in the head versus the heart and get back on track
Build on your dreams and find the next-level benefit from those dream crushers
Work with energy shifts and cosmic downloads
Understand why you create false boundaries and how to transform them
Address blocks in your creation process and move past them
Listen and take action on your own stellar wisdom and your guidance team
Are you ready to boldly own your creative power?
It’s my great privilege to support your highest evolution as you create your grandest vision possible for your life. We will meet weekly for one-hour by Zoom video or phone. Please have ready for discussion your deepest desires and the issues you want to work on.
Depending on your needs, goals, and desired length of support, choose from one of three intuitive mentorship packages. These sessions are consecutive and weekly to achieve the greatest movement forward.
Showing up for yourself to do the inner work is about self-love—a gift you give yourself through accountability and a desire to live on purpose. If you can’t make your session for any reason other than an emergency, you will be charged for the time. If Mary has an emergency, arrangements will be made to reschedule.
Intuitive Mentorship Package #1
THREE 60-minute phone or Zoom sessions
Once a week for 3 consecutive weeks
($80 savings/reg price $450)
Intuitive Mentorship Package #2
SIX 60-minute phone or Zoom sessions
Once a week for 6 consecutive weeks
($170 savings/reg price $900)
Intuitive Mentorship Package #3
TWELVE 60-minute phone or Zoom sessions
Once a week for 12 consecutive weeks
($350 savings/reg price $1800)
What People Say After Their Session:
“Mary’s ability to listen closely and openly to my feelings and concerns is a great strength. She takes that information and focuses intently on connecting me and my burdens to healing energy. Being able to make that connection and helping me make sense of the results of that process is her great gift. I feel so much better after a session with her because she’s able to coach and explain in a productive, developmental way.””
“When in conversation with Mary, I feel she cares deeply about me. She digs down deep and with passion to understand what’s needed or wanted for an outcome. She’s insightful and has helped me on a profound level.”
“My daughter was not in a good place, and Mary gave her many tools she uses now to help her work through her low times. She’s like a different person now. Happier, more loving.”
“I’ve had a lot of conditioning and programing from an abusive childhood that has informed so much of the way I was living. I wanted more. All the hard inner work I’ve done with Mary’s support and guidance has been worth it. I feel completely new in every way. I’ve created a career I love, lost 50 pounds, and have financial abundance for the first time in my life. I feel healthy, have supportive friends, know what I really want in a relationship, and most of all I now know how and what it means to love myself. I’m in tears writing this as I realize how much I’ve grown and expanded my life in such beautiful ways I wouldn’t have thought possible.”
“Mary speaks with compassion and nonjudgment, finding just the right words that allow me to feel safe and go to those places within that are hard to face.”
“Mary is a great listener to what’s said and not said. She’s reflective and often leads with questions that invite me to reflect. Her kindness flows as an energy that I can feel.”
“I passed certification. Thank you for helping me cross the finish line!”
“Through Mary’s support and guidance, I learned my life is happening for me, not to me. That has made all the difference.”
“I come to Mary because I feel safe talking about what’s going on in my life. Her guidance is remarkable.”
“I’ve shed so much unnecessary internal baggage and now have clarity, peace, and intention. Thank you, Mary. I have my life back. I want the whole world to experience this kind of deep, transforming love.”
“Mary is an uplifter. I like talking things over with her on a weekly basis so I have a better understanding of what I view as problems. She has a great way of bringing out the best in me. She sees what others may not see. It makes it easier now for me to find the best in others and situations.” ”
“It’s amazing how I see things so differently in my life now after my sessions with Mary. I was so hurt and angry for so long. I thought I would separate from my spouse. But now everything’s changed. I have a much clearer understanding of myself and my relationship. The anger is gone.”