Is a drama-free Christmas possible?


Just four days until the BIG day. How are you holding up? Are you feeling stressed? Pressured? Like you’re about to be shot out of a cannon without a helmet?

I know. There are so many details to oversee—kids’ concerts, last-minute gift buying and wrapping, picking up family from the airport, juggling sleeping quarters, menu planning that considers the needs of everyone—vegan, lactose intolerant, diet plans.

Creating the perfect traditional family Christmas is a lot to manage—and tolerate. In this season of good cheer tempers can, and often do wear thin mostly because expectations run high, and time and energy, low.

Here’s a few ideas to help maintain sanity and limit the drama so you can enjoy your Christmas:

  1. Simplify the meal. Do you really need to make everyone’s favorite dish to show them you care? Have you considered that your loved one may be eating that green bean casserole you say they love just to please you? Maybe this year it’s time to pull out the Stouffer’s frozen lasagna and feel good about it because it gives you more time to be with your family.

  2. A complaint I hear often is how no one helps with the cleanup after the meal. But did you ask for help? This is not the time to practice telepathy. Be clear that you’d appreciate everyone’s support in the kitchen. It’s not only okay to say what you need, it’s vital if you don’t want to create resentment.

  3. Got someone in your life that’s never happy about the gift you give them? You don’t need to feel disappointed by their reaction as long as you remember you have no control over someone else’s feelings, only yours. People feel what they feel based on their unique perceptions of their reality—not yours. If you can remember that, your sense of self-worth won’t be tied to the temporary emotional reaction of someone else.

  4. Maintain your self-care. Don’t skip what’s helpful to your wellbeing because it doesn’t fit your time schedule. You must be loving and good to yourself first before you can give your best to anyone else. Keep your massage appointments. Take Epson salt baths. Meditate. Journal. Exercise. Listen to uplifting music. Stick to your normal sleep routine. Divide up the workload. Christmas is not about self-sacrifice. It’s about peace, love, and joy within.

That said, I wish you and your family every blessing this magical season of gathering and loving. Merry Christmas!

And as always, I’m available for private sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance in the form of energy work or intuitive life coaching.

2022Mary BauerComment