How does attachment to your things control your freedom?

I was talking with a friend on the phone and she mentioned the only personal possession she got from her father’s estate was a ring he loved. She described the ring and told me how special it was to her, reminiscing about seeing her father wear it. He had beautiful hands, she said, and then shared other fond memories of her dad with the ring.

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2022Mary BauerComment
Do you know what to do to stay grounded into your body?

Solar eclipse/lunar eclipse it’s easy to get out of balance with all this big energy hitting us right now. We just had a full solar eclipse April 30th and now here comes a lunar eclipse May15-16. You might feel more emotional, less motivated, experience body aches and exhaustion. Your medicines don’t work like they did, relationships have gotten more problematic, and not much makes sense to you these days. What is happening?!

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2022Mary BauerComment
Want to ditch the Valentine’s hype for real soul connection?

Love it or hate it, Valentine’s Day is a short five days from now. Me? I’m not a fan. I’m not a fan of an idea we’ve collectively embraced that attempts to pigeonhole love into one particular day, annually. Valentine’s Day is not love. It’s commercialism. Compared to authentic love, this store-bought symbol feels pretty empty and unnecessary.

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