Three tools to shift a negative perspective


We all have our moments when we feel life sucks. Our glass isn’t just half empty, it’s bone dry. It’s at these times our perspective about our life, other people, and the world at large can be pretty negative.

So, what can we do when we’re caught in an emotional vortex of garbage dumping inside our head? How can we shift our one-sided negative perspective of our reality?

We can choose to use these three little tools: hope, faith, knowing, and here’s how they work:

When all is chaos in your world and you can’t quite believe it will ever get better, choose to have hope. Hope is a positive energy and helps balance the negative. Hope says your circumstance may or may not get better, but allows the possibility. You are moving into a bit of positive energy, though you aren’t certain of the outcome. Still, hope feels better than no hope at all. You will gain some relief from negativity and begin shifting your perspective.

To have faith means you trust life. You may not know how things will get better, but you have faith that they will. You trust that the energies of life are working for you. You have faith the circumstance you’re in or the feelings you’re having are leading you toward your highest and best good. Faith feels different than hope. Hope is 50/50. It leaves open the idea that things could stay the same or get worse, yet faith feels much more neutral and powerful. You have no idea how things might get better, but you have faith that whatever is happening your life will work out. With faith, your perspective shifts even further.

Knowing is the tool of the masters. They say yes to whatever shows up in their life, moment to moment, as they know at some level, they chose the circumstance because they know themselves as co-creators with the life force/God. A master does not judge anything as good or bad, it simply is what’s happening in the moment and they are free to experience the moment in whatever manner they choose. They know what each of their thoughts create and they always choose from their highest level of awareness. This is the level where fear does not exist. Everything is accepted and allowed to unfold in the best way possible. Sometimes this means an action is required, and sometimes not.

We have all known moments where we are the master of our experience, perfectly aligned without stress or doubt. I call these our magic moments when we are certain in our creative abilities. We desire something, take the aligned action, and receive our desire. Everything feels effortless.

When you’re feeling negative, remember the times you have used hope, faith, and knowing and shifted your circumstance.  

And as always, I’m available for private sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance in the form of energy work or intuitive life coaching.

2022Mary BauerComment