Powerful worthiness technique to claim what’s yours


I’ve seen so many people struggle in life because deep down they harbor a belief of unworthiness. They want something, but they question whether they deserve the thing they want. Maybe they’re asking for too much? Maybe it’s just not meant for them? Maybe they’re not good enough?

There’s a conflict between what they want, and what they think they can have which is like a mental wall blocking their desire. In essence, they can’t have what they know they can’t have, and that’s what’s created.

Source/God is without conflict. It is all and knows it. Since Source is all, we are an intimate extension of Source, but we don’t know what that means or how to use the energy that flows through and around us. We don’t ask for too much, we actually settle for too little and think that’s all we deserve. We can’t get past the idea that there are no limits.

That’s super understandable, because from birth we’re taught we’re unworthy. There are rules—so many rules we must follow. Eat now, sleep now, don’t talk now, have this friend and not that one, take this class and not that one, eat this but not that, don’t run, don’t shout, don’t get angry, don’t cry, don’t laugh, don’t climb, don’t talk to what the adults can’t see, believe this but not that, and so on.

Rules. Rules that limit what is limitless inside us.

And we’re compared to everyone. What is unique and can’t ever be compared, is constantly measured by someone else’s perception of right. If you don’t do something right, there are consequences that create a feeling that you are less, wrong. It isn’t long before a belief sets in about wanting to be right and deserving of the reward.

Here’s what I want you to know.

At the very instant of your conception, powerful energy fuses to form life—your life as a human. This results in an explosion. (Here’s what that looks like: Scientists See the Light: The Fireworks of Conception - International Youth Coalition (iycoalition.org))

I want you to remember this. You begin your life strong. On purpose. As an explosion of energy that is YOU and will forever be uniquely you.

This is not something your parents do for you. They can’t make this explosion happen. Only you make it happen with the limitless power that lives within you.

Your parents can’t make your cells divide, your organs form, your heart pump, your muscles move, your brain function, or anything that involves creating the person that is you on earth.

Before your birth, you have no worthiness issues. You know what you’re doing, how to do it, and what your human life is about. And then, after a relatively short time, you forget all you knew, what you can do, and why you are doing it. You begin to believe someone else’s idea about you.

From this point, every decision you make will be based on someone else’s idea of what’s good and bad, what’s right and wrong, what you deserve and what you don’t.

If, right now, you’re not attaining what your heart desires, go back to your original spark. See the explosion of energy that is your conception. Let yourself visualize the way you orchestrate this force into a living body of brilliant energy we think of as a baby. In your mind’s eye, watch your birth and see your first breath as the wise soul you are. The soul who already knows without question you are 100 percent worthy to live your life in the way you came here to live.

Consciously. On purpose.

With no limits.

You are 100 percent worthy. You were born that way. Remember this always.

And as always, I’m available for private sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance in the form of energy work or intuitive life coaching.

2022Mary BauerComment