Want to change your life? Eliminate these two victim-creating words


There are two seemingly innocuous words I hear people use all the time. I’ve used them myself. However, these two words are not the harmless diction they appear to be. No, not at all. In fact, they are extremely addictive and often used to recreate and justify patterns of unconscious behavior.

What are these two habitual enablers of unconsciousness? The words should and but.

Am I being too harsh on these two? Not in the least. I’ve witnessed way too much of the damage they’ve done. But and should keep you stuck in excuses and justifications for reasons not to change the thoughts and behaviors that need to change IF you want to be a conscious creator of your best life and not a victim. And they’re sneaky about it.

How do these notorious villains operate? Here’s a few examples and ways to go from victim to empowered creator:

  • I want this job, but I’m sure I don’t have what they’re looking for so why bother?
    I want this job, and I’ll do all in my power to be the best candidate.

  • I should go to my friend’s party even though I’m tired, because I don’t want him mad at me.
    I’m tired and I need to go to bed. My friend will understand.

  • I love you, but can’t you ever take out the trash?
    I love you.

  • I should be better looking, kinder, smarter, make more money, have a bigger house, and drive a better car, then people will love me.
    I love and accept myself as I am.

Words are powerful. Make sure your self-talk and what you say to others is what you actually want to create. End your victimhood by ending the power you give away to should and but.

And as always, I’m available for private sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance in the form of energy work or intuitive life coaching.

2022Mary BauerComment