The 365-day challenge. Are you up for it?


As an energy intuitive I know everything is energy including our thoughts. I know our thoughts are the powerful blueprints each of us uses to create our unique reality. What we think moves the forces of creation in a way that helps us experience what we are most focused on.

In order to change our lives, we need to change what we think. Changing what we think can feel overwhelming. Perhaps it’s hard to even know where to get started?

I like things simple, doable, and with clear results. I like to start slow and build on my success. So, here’s a simple, yet doable idea with clear results that will bring you success if a change in your life is what you’re after.

Each day for an entire year, make one little change. Start easy. Maybe you take a different route to work, or you buy a piece of fruit you’ve never tried before. Work yourself up to perhaps tougher things. Things you’ve been meaning to change anyway. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Say no instead of yes to something that you don’t want to do.

  • Try looking deep into your eyes in a mirror for 30 seconds without any negative self-talk.

  • Listen with your whole being to a friend without saying one word or trying to fix anything.

  • Do one pushup every day for a week. Then do two a day the second week. Do three a day the following week and so on. At the end of the year, you’ll be doing 52 pushups a day.

  • Read a book on a subject unfamiliar to you.

  • Say hi to a stranger

  • Hug a tree

  • Get up 30 minutes earlier and journal or exercise or meditate or listen to an inspiring podcast

  • Do one thing you’re afraid to do

  • Clean out your closet and donate what you don’t need

  • Write someone a thank you note

  • List 10 things you appreciate about yourself and read them out loud so you believe them

  • List 10 things you appreciate about your significant other and tell them

  • Eat by candlelight and turn off your phone, iPad, electronics while eating your meal

  • Bake a pie or something you’ve never baked before

  • Shut off the light when you walk out of a room

  • Listen to your intuition and take action right away if that’s what’s required. No second-guessing yourself

  • Sing with someone

  • Buy one piece of soft clothing

  • Visit a farm and learn where your food comes from

Have fun with this project. Maybe go skydiving if it’s on your bucket list. Let your imagination play, but do keep yourself accountable. Make one change every day and at the end of one year, you’ll have made 365 changes in the way you live your life.

And as always, I’m available for private sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance in the form of energy work or intuitive life coaching.

2022Mary BauerComment