How can you use the powerful force of Nature for healing inspiration?
Nature is nondual. Everything goes together. It’s both life-taking and life-giving. It creates and destroys. It is whole without resistance or expectation that anything need be other than what is.
Living in our climate-controlled homes, distracted by our day-to-day harried schedules, we forget that we are an integral part of nature packaged in our own unique biological forms as humans. No matter how we try to separate ourselves, nature is as much a part of us as we are a part of it. We live on Earth, right?
We experience our wholeness as well, but often times do so without awareness. We resist and want things to be other than what is, without realizing there is a natural balance, an ebb and flow to life. Nothing ever stays the same by perfect design. You can’t limit God/Source/Energy/Nature. It’s limitless, expansive, and ever creative through change.
As humans, we want security which means control of change. The natural world knows and accepts change without expectation or control. It is whole and has no need for anything other than what is.
You might say, well yeah, but nature can’t think and doesn’t have feelings. Tell that to your dog or tree or plants that respond to your touch and voice.
Nature is our antidote for what ails or frightens you. It is enormous healing support, and you are already part of this powerful energy. You can choose to connect to this energy consciously (which is already within you) and get the help you need to feel better, understood, at ease. Here’s a few ways to connect with the natural elements:
Earth is the soil, the container that nurtures all life. It absorbs sunlight, water, and the minerals that support life. Within the constancy of change, earth is solid. Can you plant your feet on Earth’s stable, nurturing ground and stay rooted in your wisdom that everything really is working in a perfect way and always has? Can you, like earth, contain all your feelings, moods, emotions, within this solid, grounded foundation? Can you trust the stableness of the solidness beneath your feet that is ever-present no matter what you’re going through?AIR—
Air is lightness, expansiveness of being. Air is the breath of life. Breathe deeply, fill your lungs and tap into this powerful energy to give yourself space to explore, to imagine, to dream, to develop at your own pace. Breathe in this energy and know that you are connected to every human on the planet breathing in life together.FIRE—
Fire ignites quick change. It burns through the old and brings the new. If you feel the strong pull of despair and destruction of what once was for you, tap into fire energy and see within the scorched ash the new seedlings that sprout. Allow yourself to grieve what was, but hold in your heart the wisdom gained from the experience. This will help you build back stronger in a fresh and new way. Remember, the devastation of fire gives way to brand new growth.WATER—
Water is the ability to flow with the stream of life. It finds its way by using the path of least resistance. You are more than 70 percent water. Connect to the water energy within you and ask yourself: how can I flow with what is happening in my life rather than resist it? How can I accept what is and allow my natural path to unfold with ease and grace? Take inspiration from the tiny stream that meanders seemingly without a straight goal, but in the end joins with ever larger water bodies becoming a great container of support for life.
You are supported by the very nature of your being. You are life. You have all you need within you and always have. Tap into the powerful natural support within you and all around you. It’s always been there for you.
And as always, I’m available for private sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance in the form of energy work or intuitive life coaching.