Are you caught in the illusion trap of getting ahead?


The other day I was helping my dad a little by writing out some checks to pay his bills. He does great on his own, but his handwriting is a bit shaky now. He looked at the checks with disgusted futility and said, “I’m never going to get ahead.”

My dad is 92 years old, debt free, and has more financial wealth than he ever had, yet he still feels he will “never get ahead.”

This is a very common belief for many of us—feeling as if we can’t get ahead financially even when the facts prove otherwise. It feels so normal to think this way that we don’t even know we’re doing it.

But where does this belief originate? What within us feels this hopeful need to get ahead, yet are plagued by the futility that we never will? What is “getting ahead” anyway? Financial stability? My dad has it, yet by his statement and body language I know he doesn’t feel it.

There is nothing in this world that is stable. Life, by its very nature is unstable and changes with the changing of thought as it was designed to do. Change is the only constant in the world of physicality, and be glad of it as that’s what you’re here for. Challenge.

Yet there is something so profound, so wise, so beyond this mortal world that is unchangeable and completely stable within the changeable. And that’s you.

You are an eternal unchangeable spiritual being having a physical life experience as an ever-changing human being. Attachment to the idea something outside of you is your stability will never provide the sense of peace and security you desire. It can’t and wasn’t designed to. Instead, you will feel dissatisfied by your life, which often leads to an undercurrent of anxiety and depression.

You don’t need to “get ahead” to feel secure within. In fact, giving your power away to anything in the outer world is pointless if your goal is peace. As miraculous as this world seems, it pales in comparison to your authentic nature.

Tap into the real source of you, the unchangeable loving knowing that IS you by using your tool of appreciation.

Appreciation is NOW. It’s in the moment without any thought that something needs to be different. There’s a high-level vibrational ease to it. It helps tame, if not relieve the feeling of insecurity because it’s a closer vibrational match to your eternal unchangeable spirit.

Use appreciation as a tool versus gratitude. Gratitude by default implies things could be different and often are. For example, you can be grateful for a friendship, but that indirectly implies there may be a time you didn’t have the friendship or may lose it.

Appreciation for the friendship is present time (no past, no future), an awareness of the joy you feel right now in the moment without any other thought.

Appreciate everything in life this way—in the moment whether it’s art, nature, your body, food, work, relationships, etc. Don’t wait. Your life is lived right now. Everything that ever was or ever will happen in your life is unfolding in this minute right now. That’s where your power is. That’s where your decisions are made. There’s no such thing as getting ahead. Your sense of security is always now. Present. Within you.

And as always, I’m available for private sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance in the form of energy work or intuitive life coaching.

2022Mary BauerComment