Want to ditch the Valentine’s hype for real soul connection?


Love it or hate it, Valentine’s Day is a short five days from now.


I’m not a fan. I’m not a fan of an idea we’ve collectively embraced that attempts to pigeonhole love into one particular day, annually. Valentine’s Day is not love. It’s commercialism. Compared to authentic love, this store-bought symbol feels pretty empty and unnecessary.

Love is All and has no name, no beginning, no end. It’s outside of time, because love gives all to all at all times. Love is not exclusive. There is no specific day or special person. Love is present in all, for all.

The presence of authentic love is a deeply felt connection beyond words that unites us at our very core. Within this connection we move into an overwhelming compassion for ourselves and one another, and all ideas of grievances and errors drop away.

The best I can do to explain Love is to say it’s soul level connection we can experience through our shared humanity. And of course, I have a technique to help you consciously experience this authentic connection. 😊

I learned this powerfully intimate exercise in one of my Healing Touch classes. While practicing, the connection I felt for my classmate was so deep and so real, it brought both of us to tears. My hubby and I have begun this practice as well.


  1. Sit close, facing each other on chairs or on the floor.

  2. Each place a hand on the heart of the other, and then place your free hand over the hand of your partner’s completing a connection over the heart. OR simply hold each other’s hands if that feels more comfortable.

  3. Look into each other’s eyes and hold your gaze. No talking.

  4. Begin deep breathing together. To get you started, inhale for the count of 5, exhale for the count of 3.

  5. Hold your partner’s eyes and send love for their highest and best. Inhale, receive love, exhale, send love.

  6. Hold this connection for 5 minutes or more. The longer you hold it, the more the outside world gives way to something beyond words, something vibrant, deep, and real.

Teach your children, grandchildren, and everyone you know this soul-level connection. Practice it regularly with siblings, neighbors, friends, loved ones. It will help you experience yourself and others as pure love in human form.

So, does this mean you shouldn’t give someone a flower or a card on Valentine’s Day? No, but don’t do it because it’s Valentine’s Day. And don’t do it at all if it feels like obligation or expectation. Love is neither of those things. Love is beyond a concept.

And as always, I’m available for private sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance in the form of energy work or intuitive life coaching.