Do you know what to do to stay grounded into your body?


Solar eclipse/lunar eclipse it’s easy to get out of balance with all this big energy hitting us right now. We just had a full solar eclipse April 30th and now here comes a lunar eclipse May15-16. You might feel more emotional, less motivated, experience body aches and exhaustion. Your medicines don’t work like they did, relationships have gotten more problematic, and not much makes sense to you these days. What is happening?!

Welcome to Earth during a massive shift in human consciousness!

You were born for this. Wouldn’t have missed it for anything. You are brave, courageous, and on purpose even if it doesn’t feel like it sometimes. You wanted to have a front row seat during this transformational time in history. You wanted to be part of the shift.

So, here you are in the middle of what looks to be insanity on a global scale and you’re having some doubts about who you are, who everyone else is, and what’s actually going on in the world. Added to that, the energy is intense! Beyond anything any of us have been through before. This energy is helping us by bubbling to the surface anything not in alignment with who we are authentically so we can SEE it and heal it.

I can’t overstate this. What we’re going through is massive evolutionary change. 2022 is about self-discovery, deep feelings, hard questions. It’s about ending our personal illusionary fantasy of life in favor of authentic God/Source reality. It’s about grasping mind delusions, how we’ve used them so far, and turning from them in favor of our own Highest heart-centered intuition.

And guess what? Most of us are going to go through all of this BIG stuff while being completely human without benefit of full Soul memory of why we’re on this interesting blue planet. I said you were brave and I meant it.

But we have help. LOTS of it. And one of those helpers is your own miraculous body. It’s forever speaking to you, giving you messages about how you’re thinking and feeling about everything you’re experiencing. In order to navigate physicality with conscious awareness in this intense time, we must listen to our bodies and that requires being fully grounded into them. Here’s some symptoms of not being in your body:

Symptoms of not being grounded into the body:

  1. Small impact or influence in your outer world (life)

  2. Focus and attention difficulties

  3. Low productivity

  4. Impatience

  5. Low awareness of your body (not listening to the needs of your body and its messages)

  6. Sleep difficulties

  7. Reactionary behavior

  8. Boredom

  9. Bumping into things/accidents

  10. Technology addiction

  11. Stage fright

  12. Daydreaming/spacey/scattered thinking

Grounding techniques to stay centered within the body:

  1. Hug a tree or sit/lie by a tree. 15 min and you’ll notice a huge difference.

  2. Jumping jacks. This exercise brings energy from top of head all the way to feel. Your hands and legs comb through your entire aura while your feet plant firmly onto the ground.

  3. Go barefoot outside (inside too). Wiggle your toes. Curl your toes. Stomp on the ground. Bounce on the balls of your feet.

  4. Suck on a peppermint. Eat a piece of chocolate.

  5. Smell something strong like peppermint oil.

  6. Drink water.

  7. Sway your hips. Dance.

  8. Laugh, loud and hard.

  9. Hold an ice cube. Trail along your arm/skin.

  10. Tense your perinium.

  11. Sing as loudly as you can.

  12. Take a deep cleansing breath.

And here’s one more little technique that may help you feel more grounded. Click here to watch a short 90 second video designed to relieve the tension in your body as you navigate these intense energies.

Next week we’ll talk about attachments and how they imprison your mind, essentially keeping you stuck in manmade belief patterns that are limiting and debilitating. We’ll also look at how to end attachments, freeing your mind from a false sense of reality.

Stay tuned for all the fun! 😊

And as always, I’m available for private sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance in the form of energy work or intuitive life coaching.

2022Mary BauerComment