Posts tagged energy
Want to ditch the Valentine’s hype for real soul connection?

Love it or hate it, Valentine’s Day is a short five days from now. Me? I’m not a fan. I’m not a fan of an idea we’ve collectively embraced that attempts to pigeonhole love into one particular day, annually. Valentine’s Day is not love. It’s commercialism. Compared to authentic love, this store-bought symbol feels pretty empty and unnecessary.

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How to maintain a balanced weight this holiday using 4 energy tips

This time of year is typically thought of as the season of joy, but if you ask me it’s also the season of temptation. How many times can a person realistically say no to holiday baked goods and party food? I might be able to resist the pretzels dipped in almond bark, but there’s no way I’m turning my back on a chocolate truffle. I’m not insane.

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One super-fast way to have more energy

Have you noticed a time of day when you feel more sluggish, unfocused, like you’d like to take a nap?

For me, it’s around 2pm in the afternoon. That’s when I’m in the UnZone—the place where clarity and ideas go to die. Since I’m self-employed, my biggest temptation is to turn off the computer and call it a day without reaching my goals. And that ain’t happening.

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