Are you doing your part to elevate humanity?


Doing your part to elevate humanity in its evolutionary transition sounds overwhelmingly lofty, doesn’t it? Yet it can be somewhat simplified by answering these two questions:

  1. How do you honor yourself as a unique co-creator within the collective whole?

  2. How do you raise your vibrational frequency (energy)?

So, what does it mean to honor yourself as a unique co-creator?

It means staying absolutely true to what is right for you in each moment. It means saying yes when you mean yes, and no when you mean no. It means having no internal division or conflict within yourself which means shutting down the inner critique that makes you feel terrible, worthless, weak.

It means having less thoughts and more quiet space in order to hear/know/feel the messages from your heart. It means having faith that everything truly is working out for you without having to know how. It means knowing your perfect path is the one right in front of you or it wouldn’t be there.

It means allowing yourself a human experience exactly as it is unfolding with the solid faith that you are quietly guided to the solution to all your troubles.

How do you raise your vibrational frequency?

By listening to your heart and taking action as it directs. Sometimes this looks like a prompting to do something, read something, eat something, talk to someone, buy something, take a class, change jobs, meditate, etc. Sometimes it looks like self-care which is really self-love.

For me this past month it meant painting my living room and dining room a soft creamy white. This immediately brightened and lightened my space, my sanctuary. I took down pictures and items no longer in alignment with who I am now, and ended any obligation to keep anything based on what someone else might think.

I moved a few things around. I cleaned and polished every surface as I went. And I consciously focused on my internal knowing as I worked with my external space asking questions, how does this chair feel in this spot, this vase, this rug?

As I made these changes, I felt the energy within me shift and get lighter, my thoughts clearer. This, for me, is inner knowing of what I need and taking action on what I know to be right for me. In other words, I don’t go against or fight against me no matter what. This is ultimate self-love.

How does taking action on what I know is true for me help humanity?

In truth, being in absolute alignment as much as I can with who I am in each of my moments without creating stress, separation, or conflict within myself is help beyond measure for humanity. When I feel better and enthusiastic about my life, it shifts the energy on the planet at every level.

In real and tangible ways, all humanity feels your energy. Often people acknowledge your shift by saying things like, you look radiant. I feel better when I’m around you. They ask questions, share their feelings, want to hug you and let go of some of their burdens. On an even larger scale, the collective now has a kinder, more joyful version of life (you) and can tap into that energy for self-love and creation.

The only thing you can actually do for someone else is to absolutely honor and love yourself first in every way that comes to you. The ways in which this unfolds is uniquely yours moment by moment. Trust your way and you’ll always be in the right place at the right time taking the perfect action (or nonaction) for the greatest good of all.

This week, I invite you to consciously listen to your unique ways to honor and love yourself. Then take immediate action if called for. Thanks in advance for all humanity.

And as always, I’m available for private sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance in the form of energy work or intuitive life coaching.

2022Mary BauerComment