Shame and blame are always the tools of the victim persona. This month I’m called to talk about how to stop empowering your victim identification by using some powerful, yet simple tools that can help you break out of a debilitating narrative.
Read MoreEverything in life can be a tool to help you decide what is right or wrong for you. You can either empower the victim within by allowing yourself to fight against reality, or simply acknowledge you are experiencing something that could help bring a deeper understanding of who you are in this moment.
Read MoreFor most of this month I’ve been talking about self-care and some of the things I do to keep my mind, body, and spirit strong, aligned, and feeling like me.
Read MoreDid you know that statistics reveal more people suffer from heart attacks on Mondays than any other day of the week? (By the way, Saturdays have the lowest incidents.)
Read MoreHave you ever had to force yourself to do something you knew was for your own good? How do you be that tough love parent for yourself?
Read MoreWhen I’m stuck on an answer, or want to know more about a subject, I journal. I allow myself to not “think” and simply write my questions. This works for me. I’ve written whole books using this method.
Read MoreFor me, self-care involves doing something that inspires, nourishes, and regenerates my entire being—body, mind, spirit. Here’s a short list of some of the books I’ve read, and reread that I’ve found immensely enjoyable, helpful, relatable, and have shifted me into a new expanded way of thinking.
Read MoreIn the past, I’ve talked about the difference in the way a Master Creator creates their life, and the way an unconscious creator creates.
Read MoreDo you have a bucket list? This is a list of desires, wants, or goals that feel pretty special to you. It’s a list of your “I get tos,” and goes way beyond work-related goals or to-do lists.
Read MoreWe’re taught to want certainty, to feel in control, but that’s not the nature of life. Life is about expansion, fluidity, freedom to follow through on heart inspiration which often makes little logical sense. Creativity rarely does. Yet, the certainty of life is that it is eternally creative.
Read MoreIt’s been a fast, exciting week with the launch of my new book, co-authored with fellow intuitive Kristine Kieland. In the first day, A CLEAR UNDERSTANDING OF THE UNTHINKABLE: What Those Who Died by Suicide Want You to Know hit #1 in Amazon’s Hot New Releases (New Age Channeling) in paperback and #7 in Kindle.
Read MoreI felt exhausted a few evenings ago. More like drained of energy and not like myself. Earlier in the day I had had some disturbing news from a client, and I felt truly saddened by it. That night I dreamt I was in the Pope’s personal bathroom taking a shower. A nice big, bright bathroom with travertine tile, a clear glass shower, and brand-new bar soap.
Read MoreHave you ever wondered why nothing ever changes for you in a relationship?
Read MoreIn the past two weeks, I’ve heard from many people with similar physical complaints: dizziness, headaches, shoulder pains, insomnia, exhaustion. There’s lots going on in the energy field right now, and there’s lots going on in the human collective consciousness—including confusion, anxiety, fear.
Read MoreLate last fall, I’d been jumping on a trampoline with my grandkiddos, getting fancy, and injured my tailbone. Initially, it felt sort of bruised, but by mid-December I was in real pain. My L5 was bigtime inflamed.
Read MoreLet’s talk Vitamin D and all its innate wonderfulness. In addition to helping your body build strong bones, Vitamin D plays a big role in reducing inflammation and promoting neuromuscular and immune function.
Read MoreFor three nights in a row, I woke at exactly 1:00am to super vivid dreams that were not dreams. They were more like detailed information about my current belief systems.
One of these dreams roused me from sleep, and I clearly heard, “Nothing’s ever easy.” This belief hit me like a hammer, because I know I’ve said those exact words many times. Yikes!
Read MoreMost of you know I often look to nature as a way to make some sense out of this world. In fact, I get my best insights about health and healing when I observe how the natural environment accomplishes seemingly impossible feats without effort.
Read MoreThere’s a plethora of gratitude journals available right now. They usually begin with a verse something like: Today, I’m grateful for these three things. Then they have a few numbered lines for you to fill in.
Read MoreI just got back from an amazing 11-day vacation with my hubby and four of my best friends. We ate at great restaurants, ordered martinis and desserts, swam with dolphins (a bucket-list item), snorkeled a coral reef, fed the tarpons, lazed by a couple gorgeous pools, did a little everglades tour, laughed and slept and walked and read and shopped.
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