What are you willing to do to get what you want in a relationship?


Have you ever wondered why nothing ever changes for you in a relationship?

Here’s the answer: It’s impossible to create something new if you’re using the same old thoughts that created the unwanted/stuck outcome in the first place. In order to shift your energy to get what you want; you need to shift your perception.

How do you shift your perception? By accepting everything you think and feel and see in your world you had a hand in creating whether you remember it or not. By taking 100 percent responsibility for EVERYTHING in your world, you move into a space of having the ability to respond 100 percent of the time versus reacting.

This is conscious creation. This is knowing that you are the creator of your reality and you have some awesome tools to help you bring your desires into manifestation.

Again, the first step to conscious creation is taking 100 percent responsibility for everything in your life. Without this first step, you will use distractions such as blame, judgment, justification, complaining, and avoidance to keep you from seeing everything in your life is opportunity for your own soul evolution. A gift you give yourself, though it may not always feel like it in the moment.

Here’s how I took 100 percent responsibility for my role as a co-creator in my now former dysfunctional relationship with my dad. When I realized I was contributing to our dysfunction by expecting him to show up in a certain way (reactionary pattern), I began to see there was no other way for him to show up in the relationship (conscious response).

Bottom line, I wanted something better for us, but I can only change me—not him. Here’s what I was willing to do to take 100 percent responsibility, which ultimately shifted the entire energy of our relationship.

My (actual) responsibility list:

  1. I’m willing to see that I am not a victim.

  2. I’m willing to accept that everything that happens is something I’m creating either consciously or unconsciously.

  3. That said, I’m willing to accept that I was unsure of my value and created plenty of opportunity to decide my value.

  4. I’m willing to have a relationship with myself that is in full alignment with who I know myself to be on a conscious level.

  5. I’m grateful to my dad for playing along with me to create a situation that helped me get clear about my value.

  6. I’m ending the story and any creative methods I’ve used to tell this story including needing my dad to show up in a certain way.

  7. I’m willing to allow my dad to have his story without any judgments from me.

  8. I’m willing to have a dad who respects me for who I am.

  9. I’m willing to create good boundaries around what feels right for me and let go of what doesn’t without telling any stories.

I am the architect of my reality. My thoughts need to align to what I want to create. Taking responsibility for what and how I create through my thoughts, gave me real opportunity to look at what I wanted our relationship to be without changing anything about my dad. This opened up the energy so we could both show up for one another in a new way.

My dad and I now have an honest, deeply connected relationship filled with great conversations. Remember, you can’t do anything about anyone else, only you. What are you willing to do to change your perception and get what you want?

And as always, I’m available for private or gallery sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance through energy work or intuitive life coaching.

If you’d like to learn a couple powerful techniques for having more energy, watch my free video Take Back Your Energy.

If you’d like to learn how to help bring more love to yourself, your families, your neighborhoods, cities, and the world, watch this video on a simple way to change fear energy to Love by using our waterways.

2021Mary BauerComment