A Clear Understanding of the Unthinkable


It’s been a fast, exciting week with the launch of my new book, co-authored with fellow intuitive Kristine Kieland. In the first day, A CLEAR UNDERSTANDING OF THE UNTHINKABLE: What Those Who Died by Suicide Want You to Know hit #1 in Amazon’s Hot New Releases (New Age Channeling) in paperback and #7 in Kindle.

This book was a labor of love for both Kristine and me. It took two years to come to fruition, and was worth every working minute. I got to collaborate with one of my best friends, and through this book, we received much valuable information about suicide, the afterlife, relationships, soul purpose, and the bigger picture for life as told to us by those who died by suicide.

We’ve received many wonderful endorsements for this work including:

  • “Compelling read. This book as the potential to be life changing for those who experience the trauma of losing someone to suicide.” –Dr. Molly Wright, MD

  • “Groundbreaking. Significant for those working crisis lines, psych, nurses, those who were providing care to the person who chose suicide, and those working with families after the event. I want my staff to read this.” –Denise Plourde, Certified Death Doula and Hospice Director

  • “I couldn’t put the book down. I felt so much hope. Would recommend to anyone who wants to know what happens at the time of death and afterward. Information especially helpful for parents and teachers.” –Ann, father died by suicide

Many people right now have someone dear in their lives who have died by suicide or are considering it. Many more know of someone in their community who has died by suicide, some as young as nine years old. Other children as young as five and six are expressing the desire to end their lives. A Clear Understanding of the Unthinkable can be a catalyst to understanding this growing epidemic and what each one of us can do to transform the suffering mind.

In this book, ten people share their reasons for their suicides, what happened to them afterward, the wisdom they gained and want the rest of us to know. They are clear about their soul purposes and how their lives really did align with it, though they struggled to see it while living on earth.

We can all use a little hope, understanding, and love. I believe this book is a bridge to all three. The link below provides purchase information and an option to read the first chapter.

And as always, I’m available for private or gallery sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance through energy work or intuitive life coaching.

If you’d like to learn a couple powerful techniques for having more energy, watch my free video Take Back Your Energy.

If you’d like to learn how to help bring more love to yourself, your families, your neighborhoods, cities, and the world, watch this video on a simple way to change fear energy to Love by using our waterways.