Observing the sun can relieve your anxiety


Most of you know I often look to nature as a way to make some sense out of this world. In fact, I get my best insights about health and healing when I observe how the natural environment accomplishes seemingly impossible feats without effort.

I’ve discovered this is possible because nature is in tune with its purpose or path, without thought that anything should be otherwise. Nature is not privy to the type of consciousness inherent in humans. Nature does not consciously observe its surroundings or evaluate its inner thoughts or makings. It does not determine what something means.

Humans are the only species on the planet that is endowed with conscious choice. We get to choose what something means to us and what we want to do about it, if anything. For better or worse, all this decision making has led to a bit of confusion about who we are and how the Infinite Power that guides the natural world so well, is not only available to us, but IS us.

We can choose to see ourselves as part of the natural world and align with our inherent strength, beauty, and good, or we can turn away from it and foster a belief in chaos, randomness, and abandonment, even though science has already proved there’s nothing random about the way the universe operates.

That said, if you’re dealing with anxiety, here’s one of the techniques observed through nature that I like to use:

Take a deep breath and sit quietly as you watch the setting sun. Is there anything about the sun that appears anxious to you? Doesn’t it set in the same exact unhurried manner, day in and day out, no matter the weather, the stock market numbers, wars, or social/political viewpoints? Can you even imagine the sun having a moment of anxiety?

The sun is not able to think or decide anything. The enormous mass of brilliant, scorching gases is in the complete control of the Infinite Thinker that KNOWS how everything works to sustain life, and handles it beautifully without effort. It’s safe to assume, then, that this same Mind is forever at peace with Itself since It already KNOWS how to handle everything including something as massive as the rotation of the earth around our sun.

You, being a part of this Infinite Mind, must be part of that same quality of peace. Hidden within your nature is that same capacity of non-hurried, ultimate peace. You simply believed something outside of your beautiful nature has the ability to ruffle you, to make you anxious. However, you are an integral, real part of this amazing universe, part of the silent sun, part of the Infinite Mind that loves, knows, creates, and guides everything. This natural part of you responds to the natural part that is forever unhurried and tranquil. This is who you are.

If you need strength and perseverance, meditate on the seedling that pushes its way through rock to become a towering tree. THAT is you as well.

If you wish for more fun and connection in your life, observe the way a dog chases its tail or greets you with such unbridled, unconditional love every single time you come home. THAT is you as well.

Observe nature. Choose its ways.  

And as always, I’m available for private or gallery sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance through energy work or intuitive life coaching.

If you’d like to learn a couple powerful techniques for having more energy, watch my free video Take Back Your Energy.

If you’d like to learn how to help bring more love to yourself, your families, your neighborhoods, cities, and the world, watch this video on a simple way to change fear energy to Love by using our waterways.

2021Mary BauerComment