How can Vitamin D save your life?

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Let’s talk Vitamin D and all its innate wonderfulness. In addition to helping your body build strong bones, Vitamin D plays a big role in reducing inflammation and promoting neuromuscular and immune function.


What does your immune system do?

Your immune system protects against disease by identifying and killing pathogens and tumor cells. Your skin is an important part of your immune system. It’s a protective boundary that’s nearly impervious to viruses and bacteria.

The skin also secretes a natural antibacterial substance, so go easy on those synthetic antibacterial soaps, cleaners, and sanitizers. They destroy what your body is already naturally manufacturing. Who better knows what your body needs to keep it healthy and safe than your body?

Now, what is the neuromuscular system and why should you care if it’s functioning properly?

The neuromuscular system includes all the muscles in the body and the nerves tending them. Every movement your body makes happens because of good communication between your brain, your muscles, and your nerves.

Guess what helps properly power the neuromuscular system so it can provide an optimum link between your thoughts and actions?

That’s right, Vitamin D.

How do you get this very important vitamin? By exposing your bare skin to 20 minutes of sunlight each day, but that’s not going to happen if you’re slathered in sunscreen. Give your body the short 20 minutes it needs to absorb Vitamin D, and then put your sunscreen on if you want to.

For us northerners, it’s impossible to get enough Vitamin D in the winter months, so from fall to spring, its crucial to take a good Vitamin D supplement. I get mine from my chiropractor, but ask your health team for one that’s right for you.

In addition to Vitamin D supplements, here’s a few ideas to help your body stave off disease:

  • Drink the amount of water that’s equal to half your weight in ounces

  • Get enough rest by sticking to a relaxing evening routine

  • Eat a balanced diet that includes a little bit of everything—dairy, fruit/veggies, protein

  • Think good thoughts—perhaps start a gratitude journal

  • Hang with happy, uplifting people

  • Talk things out when you’re troubled, sad, stressed

  • Watch funny shows

  • Do more of something you like to do

  • Get outside and enjoy nature

  • Pet something—dog, cat, cow, gerbil

  • Get a massage

  • Deep breathe

  • Sing, recite poetry

  • Get physical: practice yoga, dance, walk, run, make love

  • Read something spiritually uplifting, or a book about someone you admire

  • Eat brownies (whoops, that’s just something I like to do 😉)

2021Mary BauerComment