Where did this belief come from?


I just got back from an amazing 11-day vacation with my hubby and four of my best friends. We ate at great restaurants, ordered martinis and desserts, swam with dolphins (a bucket-list item), snorkeled a coral reef, fed the tarpons, lazed by a couple gorgeous pools, did a little everglades tour, laughed and slept and walked and read and shopped.

A couple years ago, I wouldn’t have believed I could enjoy a vacation like this. Vacations had always caused me extreme anxiety, mainly because I was spending money on something my mind told me was frivolous and not necessary.

I’d make myself sick just thinking about spending money on a vacation. My ingrained belief was that it was okay for me to spend money for work, but not for fun things. Spending money on myself with no goal other than pleasure was foolish and irresponsible.

Where did I get this belief?

I grew up on a farm with hardworking parents who were children through the Great Depression. Their idea of money was influenced by their experiences of hardship and lack. My parents are generous and loving by nature, but their childhood trauma still has them anxious about how to spend their money and if they will have enough money. They taught me that “You can’t spend money and have money; you have to work hard for your money; you must pay your bills and not spend money foolishly; save your money; debt is really bad; you have to have money or you’ll be out in the street; rich people are selfish and spoiled, they should give their money to the poor; there’s not enough money.”

Now, there’s nothing “wrong” with these beliefs, and some have served me well. But the anxiety I feel from spending on something my mind determines “unnecessary” also tells me that I’m caught in a belief I wasn’t born with, but learned as a child. My body message of anxiety is my clue that something isn’t balanced within my emotional energy field, otherwise I would feel neutral or pleasant no matter what I was spending money on. Understanding and transforming this irrational, yet habitual behavior within me became my doorway to freedom to have fun.

I’d like to help you transform your unconscious, yet real beliefs that keep you stuck in a life that’s less than fun. Please join me for my upcoming 4-week online class beginning March 6: Uncover and Ignite Your Authentic Power. This course teaches what the 5 core behavior patterns are that keep you stuck in distraction, the 4 steps every master uses to consciously create their reality, belief system hacks that work, and so much more. Here is the sign-up link.

And as always, I’m available for private or gallery sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance through energy work or intuitive life coaching.

If you’d like to learn a couple powerful techniques for having more energy, watch my free video Take Back Your Energy.

If you’d like to learn how to help bring more love to yourself, your families, your neighborhoods, cities, and the world, watch this video on a simple way to change fear energy to Love by using our waterways.

2021Mary BauerComment