The bucket list challenge. Are you up for it?


Do you have a bucket list? This is a list of desires, wants, or goals that feel pretty special to you. It’s a list of your “I get tos,” and goes way beyond work-related goals or to-do lists.

My bucket list is full of what I think of as fun, yet empowering challenges and dreams I’d like to experience. I visualize what I want, get excited about it, picture myself doing it, then write it down because that’s a great solid step in inspired action. Remember: the steps to conscious creation is desire, intention, thought, inspired action, experience.

After that, I revisit my list from time to time, refine and add to it, and make sure I’m checking off a minimum of two things a year that I’ve completed.

Why did I create a bucket list? Because when I get to experience something on my bucket list I feel absolutely freaking awesome! I feel validated in a tangible, powerful way that I am the creator of my reality.

So far this year, I’ve crossed off two dreams: swimming with dolphins, and two weeks ago I hired a personal fitness trainer. This is a bucket list item I’ve thought about for a couple of years.

I know how important exercise is to a healthy immune system and an overall sense of well-being. I used to get my exercise through my work as a decorative painter/Venetian plaster technician (and the hubby’s summertime baler), but now I sit all day writing, teaching, and doing sessions.

I LOVE my work, absolutely can’t imagine doing anything else, but I’ve gained weight and am out of shape. If I’m going to be strong and aligned for my greater good in all areas of my life, I can’t ignore what my body needs are and I knew I needed help to achieve this dream.

Do you have a bucket list? If not, I encourage you to get one going. If you do have a bucket list, are you checking anything off of it? I challenge you to look your list over and pick two things to accomplish this year.

And as always, I’m available for private or gallery sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance through energy work or intuitive life coaching.

If you’d like to learn a couple powerful techniques for having more energy, watch my free video Take Back Your Energy.

If you’d like to learn how to help bring more love to yourself, your families, your neighborhoods, cities, and the world, watch this video on a simple way to change fear energy to Love by using our waterways.

2021Mary BauerComment