Ever had a dream where you’re taking a shower in the Pope’s bathroom?


I felt exhausted a few evenings ago. More like drained of energy and not like myself. Earlier in the day I had had some disturbing news from a client, and I felt truly saddened by it. That night I dreamt I was in the Pope’s personal bathroom taking a shower. A nice big, bright bathroom with travertine tile, a clear glass shower, and brand-new bar soap.

Even in my dream it felt a bit weird to be in the Pope’s shower, but as soon as I woke, I knew exactly the message my subconscious wanted to share: I needed to cleanse my energy field (my aura).

How did I know this was the message?

Dreaming about a Pope or someone of religious power is about our own Higher Consciousness. Dreaming about showering with soap is an intimate, cleansing process. Couple that with my previous “off” energy day, this dream was pretty self-explanatory.

There are tons of great ways to cleanse your aura and here’s several:

  1. Smudge yourself with white sage. Light the sage and walk through the smoke with an intention for your highest and best good. Anything unlike this is cleansed from your energy field.

  2. Bathe in Epson salt, or use a sea salt scrub in the shower. Again, set the intention that anything not for your highest and best good is cleansed from your field.

  3. Use a selenite crystal as a wand and comb through your entire aura, pulling the stagnant energy from your field.

Here’s what I did:

I love stones, rocks, and crystals, and am confident in their cleansing abilities. I laid on the floor and placed an appropriate energy stone on each of my 7 chakras (energy centers) and just relaxed. I could feel my vibration changing, the energy moving and spinning, opening my centers.

Then I sat, held an amethyst on the sole of my right foot (I’m right-handed, lefties do the opposite), and a clear crystal quartz wand on my other sole with the point inward. I closed my eyes, relaxed, and watched the energy moving through my body until it felt complete. I added the AHM chant to this process as well (21 X), because sound energy is incredibly restorative.

And that’s it. I felt totally rejuvenated, and back to myself.

If you’re feeling stressed out, anxious, overwhelmed, drained, argumentative, or just plain “off,” cleanse your energy field. You’ll feel so much better and lighter. 

And as always, I’m available for private or gallery sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance through energy work or intuitive life coaching.

If you’d like to learn a couple powerful techniques for having more energy, watch my free video Take Back Your Energy.

If you’d like to learn how to help bring more love to yourself, your families, your neighborhoods, cities, and the world, watch this video on a simple way to change fear energy to Love by using our waterways.

2021Mary BauerComment