What are your dreams telling you?


For three nights in a row, I woke at exactly 1:00am to super vivid dreams that were not dreams. They were more like detailed information about my current belief systems.

One of these dreams roused me from sleep, and I clearly heard, “Nothing’s ever easy.” This belief hit me like a hammer, because I know I’ve said those exact words many times. Yikes!

Thoughts are creative. They are the energy blueprints that move the creative Life Force into action, bringing me what I’m calling for. By entertaining the belief that nothing is ever easy, I’ve put unnecessary obstacles in my path in order to fulfill my belief. 

It doesn’t matter if I wasn’t consciously aware of what I’d done. Life Force simply takes my thoughts and creates without judgment or preference. It’s up to me to get clear about what I want. If I don’t have it, it’s on me. It’s my job to look at my thoughts, understand what they’re creating, and change them if necessary so they’re aligned with what I want.

In my case, I asked to know what beliefs were still running in me that kept me from my highest and best good. Since I wasn’t uber clear during my waking hours, my subconscious gave me my answers through my dreams.

I began looking for all the evidence contrary to my belief in order to bolster new powerful thoughts that support my desire. I started by withdrawing my focus from the belief that “nothing is ever easy,” basically starving it of energy.

I then turned to what I know to be absolutely true about the creative Life Force that flows through and permeates everything in the same thorough, silent way a fog settles on the land. There is no manner of difficulty in the fog. It moves in and blankets every surface with gentle, rolling ease.

I focused on the truth of how a tree sends out roots that move through the soil, steadily creating paths of least resistance as they stake their life-affirming claim. If they bump against a rock, or any obstacle, they simply and easily go around it on their merry way.

I then thought of the massive quality of the earth. It’s weight more than 6 sextillion tons. That’s 6 followed by 21 zeros! This enormous sphere of life is moving, without struggle or strain, at the speed of a gunshot.

I am of this same Life Force. If It can create and hold a whole planet in place with ease, certainly it can handle whatever I want in the same nonplused manner.

I continued to build evidence of the power of Life and the way it handles with ease what I consider the miraculous, like how my skin heals a cut. Once I fully gained confidence of this evidence within myself, I turned the entire matter to Life Force. It KNOWS the easiest way to create everything.

And as always, I’m available for private or gallery sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance through energy work or intuitive life coaching.

If you’d like to learn a couple powerful techniques for having more energy, watch my free video Take Back Your Energy.

If you’d like to learn how to help bring more love to yourself, your families, your neighborhoods, cities, and the world, watch this video on a simple way to change fear energy to Love by using our waterways.

2021Mary BauerComment