What if you no longer struggled?


We’re taught to want certainty, to feel in control, but that’s not the nature of life. Life is about expansion, fluidity, freedom to follow through on heart inspiration which often makes little logical sense. Creativity rarely does. Yet, the certainty of life is that it is eternally creative.

Experiencing life as life isn’t possible if you’re wrapped up in a need for certainty and control. Life’s challenges can be viewed as opportunities for evolutionary growth.

Whenever I’m feeling stifled, dull, in doubt, or anxious about trying something new, I take a look at how tightly my fist is closed around an idea or belief I have about my sense of security.

What is it I’m afraid of? What is it I feel challenged or defensive about? Where do I feel these thoughts as emotions in my body? My heart? My stomach? My head? What am I telling myself? Is my inner talk kind and uplifting, supportive? Or am I critical and creating excuses, distractions, justifications for why I feel the way I do? Do I have a lot of resistance or defensiveness?

If I feel defensive at all, that’s my first clue that I’m stuck in an old pattern of belief and not listening to my heart. If I’m not listening to my heart, I’ll never enjoy a true sense of freedom which IS the absolute certainty of who I am and the inner power that resides within me.

Here’s a powerful technique to get past whatever belief is blocking you from listening to your heart messages, and it starts with two words: What if?

What if I no longer struggled with this issue? How would that feel to me? What would I do then?

What if I wasn’t afraid? How would that feel? What would I do then?

What if I fully trusted my heart inspiration, and acted on it? How would that feel?

What if I knew I couldn’t fail by acting on my heart inspirations? How would that feel? What would I do then?

Continue using the phrase “what if” to counter all the excuses and distractions running through your mind about something you’re worried about, or want to create but are uncertain about. It’s a great way to free up the messages from your inner guide that knows how scared you are, but would never put something in your heart unless it was absolutely possible and for your highest good.

And as always, I’m available for private or gallery sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance through energy work or intuitive life coaching.

If you’d like to learn a couple powerful techniques for having more energy, watch my free video Take Back Your Energy.

If you’d like to learn how to help bring more love to yourself, your families, your neighborhoods, cities, and the world, watch this video on a simple way to change fear energy to Love by using our waterways.

P.S. Thank you to all who have purchased A Clear Understanding of the Unthinkable, and to those who have provided reviews on Amazon. Much, much appreciated! Kristine and I are offering our support, love, and sharing our thoughts and answering your questions in a free virtual book club beginning May 26 at 6pm CST. Sign up link: www.aclearunderstandingoftheunthinkable.com

2021Mary BauerComment