One statement that can change your life

Everything in life can be a tool to help you decide what is right or wrong for you. You can either empower the victim within by allowing yourself to fight against reality, or simply acknowledge you are experiencing something that could help bring a deeper understanding of who you are in this moment.

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2021Mary BauerComment
My list of inspired reading for self-care

For me, self-care involves doing something that inspires, nourishes, and regenerates my entire being—body, mind, spirit. Here’s a short list of some of the books I’ve read, and reread that I’ve found immensely enjoyable, helpful, relatable, and have shifted me into a new expanded way of thinking.

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2021Mary BauerComment
What if you no longer struggled?

We’re taught to want certainty, to feel in control, but that’s not the nature of life. Life is about expansion, fluidity, freedom to follow through on heart inspiration which often makes little logical sense. Creativity rarely does. Yet, the certainty of life is that it is eternally creative.

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2021Mary BauerComment
A Clear Understanding of the Unthinkable

It’s been a fast, exciting week with the launch of my new book, co-authored with fellow intuitive Kristine Kieland. In the first day, A CLEAR UNDERSTANDING OF THE UNTHINKABLE: What Those Who Died by Suicide Want You to Know hit #1 in Amazon’s Hot New Releases (New Age Channeling) in paperback and #7 in Kindle.

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Dizzy, headache, can’t sleep? Do this

In the past two weeks, I’ve heard from many people with similar physical complaints: dizziness, headaches, shoulder pains, insomnia, exhaustion. There’s lots going on in the energy field right now, and there’s lots going on in the human collective consciousness—including confusion, anxiety, fear.

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2021Mary BauerComment