What are your dreams telling you?

For three nights in a row, I woke at exactly 1:00am to super vivid dreams that were not dreams. They were more like detailed information about my current belief systems.

One of these dreams roused me from sleep, and I clearly heard, “Nothing’s ever easy.” This belief hit me like a hammer, because I know I’ve said those exact words many times. Yikes!

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2021Mary BauerComment
Where did this belief come from?

I just got back from an amazing 11-day vacation with my hubby and four of my best friends. We ate at great restaurants, ordered martinis and desserts, swam with dolphins (a bucket-list item), snorkeled a coral reef, fed the tarpons, lazed by a couple gorgeous pools, did a little everglades tour, laughed and slept and walked and read and shopped.

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2021Mary BauerComment
Do you know your superpower?

Not long ago I had a Healing Touch energy session with an amazing client. We were talking things through and I asked, “What’s your superpower?”

She burst out laughing. An incredible, fun belly laugh, and I immediately felt lighter.

“That’s it,” I said. “Laughter is one of your superpowers.”

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2021Mary BauerComment
How to become a master creator

Have you noticed how the energies of 2021 will prod and support you to make changes that are aligned with your greater good? It’s an absolute CALLING to end your own misery and confusion about who you are and the beliefs that have held you hostage from your own inner power.

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2021Mary BauerComment
How to help your pet heal

Animals are absolutely amazing at helping us heal. They love us unconditionally, which allows us to be exactly who we are in their presence. Crabby, sad, loving, joyful. They accept our emotions without judgement—literally, and that’s exactly what creates an imbalance within their physical bodies, at times.

Pay attention and you’ll discover that when you’re feeling anxious, your pet does, too. Probably can’t get close enough to you. When your shoulder hurts, so does your pet’s. When you develop an illness, so does your pet.

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2021Mary BauerComment
How to reverse engineer your goals

Good-bye 2020; hello 2021! I’m calling 2020 the year of clear vision, because it pretty much handed humanity every trigger and every opportunity to see what we believe. I’m ending the year by clearing up some old thinking patterns and moving into 2021 (the year of magic!) full of energy and excitement.

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2020Mary BauerComment
Four baths to cleanse your aura

Your aura is the energy system that envelopes your physical body. It normally surrounds your body 12-18 inches, and looks sort of like you’re encased within an egg-shaped light form. If someone stands too close to you, it feels like they’re in your space because they’ve moved into your aura.

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2020Mary BauerComment
Finding gratitude in your triggers

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. I love everything about this holiday of gratitude. The gathering of loved ones, the food traditions, the bit of chill in the air, and the conscious pause to give thanks for life’s blessings, which usually involve the good things in my life and the people I most cherish.

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2020Mary BauerComment