Finding the authentic you beyond the identity

When my granddaughter was four, I found her on a chair looking in the bathroom mirror at her reflection and repeatedly saying I love you. I love you. I love you. She was absolutely glowing with gleeful delight as her pudgy toddler fingers pointed at her image for emphasis. I’ll never forget it.

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2023Mary BauerComment
Healing is an intimate, internal job

I think I’ve mentioned a few times that I like to journal when feeling stuck, challenged with a problem, or having big emotions. Why? Because I always get my answers even when I don’t want them, or more accurately, when I don’t want the truth of them. I’ve found heart-felt truth often leads to a change in my perception and usually asks for a change in my behavior and actions.

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2023Mary BauerComment
Healthy eating on the go

We’re about ready to move into the hottest part of the year in our midwestern neck of the woods, and you won’t hear any complaints from me. I like the warm weather and abundant fresh food sources. What I don’t like is muscle cramps, fatigue, and unquenchable thirst.

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2023Mary BauerComment
What I learned by helping a kitten

A week ago, I heard a consistent, pitiful, break-your-heart mewing from the wilds of our flower garden/lilac bushes. The closer I got, the louder the mewing. I spied a lonely 4-week-old gray-stripped kitten in a thicket who was too frightened to come out no matter how I coaxed.

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2023Mary BauerComment
7 ways to decrease body inflammation

I’ve recently been diagnosed with Lyme Disease…again. Ugh. I’ve had it for at least 15 years, maybe longer. This time both legs took turns swelling to the point where I couldn’t see my ankles. Don’t worry though, I found a wonderful doctor and an amazing natural healer to help me. I feel like this time I’ll kick these persistent bacteria out of my blood for good!

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2023Mary BauerComment
Can your body trust you?

How would you feel if you invited a friend to lunch and they canceled on you at the last minute? You’re already seated at the restaurant waiting, sipping water looking forward to this time with them. In fact, they had seemed excited about getting together with you too, but then you get the call—sorry, I can’t make it.  

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2023Mary BauerComment
The two most important questions

The most important questions you can ever ask yourself are: What example am I being at this moment? And is this the example I want to be? If so, congratulations. If not, congratulations for noticing. Now you have the option to pick a different way of being… or not. No wrong answers.

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2023Mary BauerComment
Are you brave enough to tell a new story?

“What you do with your mind and emotion will eventually build a cocoon around you which is not a protection. It’s a coffin.” –Sadhguru. Last week I talked about a powerful takeaway I learned from Brene Brown in a televised event I watched. Basically, whatever thoughts we’re having is a story we’re telling ourselves. If there’s a strong emotion attached to the thoughts, then we’re telling ourselves a story with strong feeling.

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2023Mary BauerComment
Golden wisdom nuggets from opposite sources

While I’ve been off work recovering from some minor knee surgery, I’ve had the opportunity to do a little television watching (read that as—so bored I don’t know what to do with myself 😉). Two shows stick out: Chris Rock Outrage and Brené Brown’s The Call to Courage. On the surface, neither of these people or shows seem to be anywhere in the same category, yet in some ways they were touching on similar themes.

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2023Mary BauerComment
Some simple ideas to ease birthing trauma

My first grandchild, Jonathon, was born today, April 5. He is 16 years old and I couldn’t be prouder of the person he is now and always has been. He’s got a wide range of interests, likes to work and learn, loves the outdoors, and is willing to try new things. He’s a good student and athlete, and just an all-around good person.

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2023Mary BauerComment
Finally! News I’ve been sooo excited to share

As many of you know, I live on a nice little farm on top of a big Plum City hill. While it is picturesque and peaceful, it is also hard to find and nearly impossible to get to during the winter months. This year I’ve had to reschedule many sessions because the gravel roads I live on have turned into cavernous mud pits deep enough to swallow an army tank.

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2023Mary BauerComment
Got pain? Remedies that work

I’ve noticed many of my clients, friends, and family are dealing with some type of inflammatory issue from gut problems, asthma, joint pain/arthritis, allergies, skin rashes, sinus infection, thyroid issues, migraines, and so much more.

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2023Mary BauerComment
Feeling emotional and scattered? Try this

When you’re excited about something it feels like you’re soaring with energy. When you’re sad or depressed you might have no energy at all and find it difficult to motivate yourself. If you feel anxious, it’s often hard to stop worrying or thinking about a problem. Emotions change your energy vibration.

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2023Mary BauerComment
How to use Love in daily life

You are Love. I am Love. Together we are exploring what that means to us individually and as a collective. We are the meaning givers. Humanity is in the process of expanding its understanding of itself through Love. What that means for me is doing the opposite of what I used to do. Here are a few examples:

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2023Mary BauerComment