How to use Love in daily life


You are Love. I am Love. Together we are exploring what that means to us individually and as a collective. We are the meaning givers. Humanity is in the process of expanding its understanding of itself through Love. What that means for me is doing the opposite of what I used to do.

Here are a few examples:

  1. Instead of disagreeing with our political leaders, I visualize their connection to their own wisest Source Selves. In my mind's eye, I bathe them in golden light that links to their God Essence. Then I let go and don't think about it anymore. I know Love is always working, all that's real, and the rest takes care of itself, because Love knows exactly what to do when I don't.

  2. When I'm triggered, I settle myself with a deep breath and examine my thoughts. What is it that bothers me, or frightens me about the person or situation? What do I feel insecure about? My job is to ask and be open to receive the answer already within me and stay out of the blame game.

  3. When things seem crazy or bad, as fast as I'm able I look for the good and beautiful and kind and loving. I set my focus on those examples because that's what I want to experience more of. I get to live as I decide feels right and I try to remember that. I'm not a victim. I always have choice.

  4. I laugh as much as I can. Nothing raises my vibration faster than laughter. I'm healthy in mind, body, and soul when I laugh.

  5. I phone a friend when I'm stuck instead of slogging through problems on my own. They are not me so can see things I can't. We don't live on this planet alone. That's a beautiful bonus. Don't stay stuck. Reach out without fear or hesitancy for support.

 Above all, I remember Love is the container that holds every thought, feeling, and experience that could ever exist within it. That's how everything can and does exist because Love IS. The rest is simply what we think it is. A change of our mind changes everything.

And as always, I’m available for private sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance in the form of energy work or intuitive life coaching.

2023Mary BauerComment