How to heal someone from a distance


I recently had a session with a master healer in Arizona. He would never claim to be a master or a healer, but a person who is deeply and consciously connected to the Source of All healing. He calls this source God, but is not hung up on a name.

He did not waver in thought or confidence throughout the session, and I could feel within my body what he was directing, though he said little the entire time. What I realized as he was working on me, is he was working in the etheric realm of energy of which there are four parts:

  1. Kinetic, which makes movement possible like blood flow, heartbeat, breath, metabolism, body movement and so on.

  2. Sensate is the experience of feelings and emotions

  3. Imprinting makes thought, telepathy, telekinesis, and so on possible.

  4. Creative process is the construction and maintenance of the body which is the God realm

Basically, he was sort of coding and imprinting within my body a new, more clear understanding (and option) for my entire being to choose on all levels—mental, emotional, etheric, physical. He sort of lit a path for me I couldn’t see before.

This got me thinking about an easy way we can do this for one another without having the calling of a master healer, yet the intention and result can be just as powerful. There is no perfect way or one way to healing. There is simply our best way.

So, next time you know of someone who is struggling, know that you can help them. And know this power within you is real as is theirs. Here’s the steps:

  1. Get quiet and centered with a few deep breaths.

  2. Close your eyes and see within your mind’s eye that you hold a bright, luminous ball of white light in your hand the size of a tennis ball.

  3. Feel it in your hand. It vibrates and pulses with energy.

  4. Keep building this energy in thought and feeling, making the ball brighter, the sensation more vibrant.

  5. When ready, think of a person who is suffering from some illness or crisis.

  6. Send this ball of light to them and watch it cover their entire body in a white luminous glow.

  7. Know God will automatically fill in with the creative energy most needed.

  8. Repeat for 15 days, sending this healing love out to others who suffer. By repeating this exercise in this way, you are automatically strengthening your confidence and Source connection.

Detach from all expectations or attachments to results. No person knows what is right for another’s soul path. Simply know that your desire to help and the action you take is perfect.  

And as always, I’m available for private sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance in the form of energy work or intuitive life coaching.

2023Mary BauerComment