Healthy eating on the go


We’re about ready to move into the hottest part of the year in our midwestern neck of the woods, and you won’t hear any complaints from me. I like the warm weather and abundant fresh food sources. What I don’t like is muscle cramps, fatigue, and unquenchable thirst.

I recognize it’s much harder to get what we need out of our food these days. The soil and seed nutrients aren’t what they used to be. Coupled with all the fast foods, sweets, saturated fats, and packaged foods we love to eat—not to mention the unprecedented influx of intense energy hitting this planet—many of us are sorely depleted in the building block basics that maintain healthy bodies. Myself included.

Here's a few products I can highly recommend to get the good groceries you need, but as always, talk to your doctor, naturopath, or nutritionist before trying.

  1. LMNT for electrolytes and Trace PowerPak for trace minerals. I drink these twice a day and feel much more hydrated. If you’re having a lot of muscle cramping, try the LMT as it’s a pretty good source of potassium and magnesium. (A banana helps too!) The more you sweat with summer activity, the more electrolytes and trace minerals you’ll need to balance and restore body function.   

  2. Kachava protein shakes. I’m not a big eater, especially meat, but need the protein and nutrients. When I’m busy at work, I often forget to eat so making a Kachava shake is the perfect, quick way for me to get everything my body needs. It really is a meal in a shake.

  3. RXBARS. While I might not be a big eater, I will grab something on the go. Unfortunately, in the past it’s been a lot of sweets. With Lyme Disease, processed foods and sugars are a big NO. So, these chewy little bars are just the thing for a pick me up. No sugar but plenty of protein. Lots of flavors (I like them all); great snacks for kids too. I’ve got my cookie-monster hubby giving them the thumbs up. Big praise from him because he loves his desserts!

I ordered all these products online, but found the Kachava was cheaper when ordered directly from the company. Enjoy your summer and stay healthy while on the go, go, go! 

And as always, I’m available for private sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance in the form of energy work or intuitive life coaching.

2023Mary BauerComment