The two most important questions


The most important questions you can ever ask yourself are: What example am I being at this moment? And is this the example I want to be? If so, congratulations. If not, congratulations for noticing. Now you have the option to pick a different way of being… or not. No wrong answers. 

Only you can decide what feels best for you. But to be conscious in all your creations, it’s important to notice what and how you’re creating. Here’s an example of what I mean:

A friend told me her 4-yo granddaughter asked for a little self-care and gratitude time after not feeling well for a few days. So, she started her day with a relaxing soak in the tub using “her” essentials: candles, storyteller, tea, bath pillow, bath salts.

Pretty amazing, tuned-in four-year-old, I’d say. But I also know her parents and grandparents happen to be great examples of what self-care and gratitude looks like so she naturally gravitated toward what was modeled for her.

Pretty amazing, tuned-in four-year-old, I’d say. But I also know her parents and grandparents happen to be great examples of what self-care and gratitude looks like so she naturally gravitated toward what was modeled for her.

Now imagine this little girl’s sense of self if her support looked different. Imagine if instead of being encouraged to ask for what she needed to feel better, she was dismissed, made to feel wrong, or to just “toughen up.” Imagine if her parents didn’t allow her the time she needed to process her feelings?

These examples exist as well and many children are learning to model them or perhaps, experience them and create something new.

In my opinion, the hardest job in the world is parenting consciously. You have to be tapped in to not only your feelings, but your child’s and what’s best for them in each moment. Soooo hard. Yet, conscious parenting is the most important mission you will ever have besides healing your own traumas so you can consciously create your world.

I think this type of awareness is the way to an empowered people that are free to create what is best for themselves and humanity. One person living as best they can in conscious awareness is all that’s needed to change the entire world no matter what nonsense is taking place.

One person living in conscious awareness influences the next generation which influences the next, and so on. How different the world might look.

I lovingly encourage you to take some time to examine what kind of example you want to be and settle for nothing less. Let yourself be inspired naturally with ease and grace for your journey.  

And as always, I’m available for private sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance in the form of energy work or intuitive life coaching.

2023Mary BauerComment