What I learned from a dragonfly
As I was sitting on the patio enjoying a bit of sunshine over the weekend, two dragonflies zipped beneath my chair, raced around the table, and flitted off to wherever their magnificent wings carried them.
Ten seconds later, one camback and hovered two feet from me and seemed to stare. It didn’t really move, just…stared. For about a minute.
Weirdly cool. Especially since I don’t see dragonflies on the farm much.
When something out of the blue like this happens in nature, I like to check it out on my laptop by typing in: spiritual message dragonfly. I do this simply for fun and like to use a particular site as it has a quick little message box. Here’s what popped up:
Make sure you take the time to visualize positive outcomes.
In my opinion, this is good advice anytime, but it was particularly so in that moment. I had been looking down, focused on my swollen, painful leg—not the one that had surgery, and wondering what I should do next? See a doctor? Not see a doctor? And along comes these two little nature messengers.
Now ultimately, I know I’m the one who gives meaning to every experience in my life, not the dragonflies no matter how cool they are. But it doesn’t mean my conflicted thoughts didn’t call in my helpers for a bit of advice. Energy attracts energy.
Earlier, I had been visualizing my leg healed and healthy while vigilant for any body messages. I guess I’ll go deeper in mindfulness and appreciate more fully the harmony between myself and nature.
If you are stuck for answers and nature comes along and looks you in the eyes, you can try my simple technique: just ask for your message.
And as always, I’m available for private sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance in the form of energy work or intuitive life coaching.