Finding the authentic you beyond the identity


When my granddaughter was four, I found her on a chair looking in the bathroom mirror at her reflection and repeatedly saying I love you. I love you. I love you. She was absolutely glowing with gleeful delight as her pudgy toddler fingers pointed at her image for emphasis. I’ll never forget it.

She wasn’t wishing for fuller lips or a different eye color, hair color, skin color, body shape. She wasn’t wanting anything other than what she saw and she openly, naturally expressed her approval with great joy. 

This is authentic, natural self-love through deep recognition of the Soul Self.

Babies recognize their real selves in the mirror. They immediately smile and move toward the reflection to kiss it. They can’t help it. It’s natural. So, if we don’t feel this way about ourselves as adults, what happened?


Many, many years of others projecting onto us their fear, worry, doubt, conditions, guilt, shame, and so many more detrimental limiting beliefs about who we are, what life is, and how it operates.

This is no one’s fault. We don’t know what we don’t know and will repeat what we believe is true. But it’s time to stop these ancestral patterns and choose ourselves as the Love we knew ourselves to be when we were children. It’s time to get natural with ourselves again.


Here’s one way to find the authentic you buried within that is always present but not always noticed:

  1. Look in the mirror and bring your focus to your eyes.

  2. Hold eye contact as long as you can without any self-talk or judgement.

    1. If this is hard for you to do, just start with glancing at yourself, look into your eyes as long as possible, then focus again on your face. Then back to eyes for short moments. NO GETTING CAUGHT IN ANY THOUGHT. Hold NO opinion about what you see. Let your feelings come but don’t give them a meaning.

  3. Notice as you hold your focus on your eyes, where in your body are you feeling something? Is it warm, a tingle, a lightness, heaviness, freedom, tightness, numbness? Do you feel like laughing, crying? Allow yourself to feel but don’t give meaning to anything. Don’t label, just feel. Go as deep into your eyes as you can.

  4. When ready, smile into the mirror with your focus still on your eyes. Allow yourself to feel whatever bubbles up.

  5. Perhaps you are ready to hold love for the wisdom within that your inner child has always seen and been connected to. Can you now whisper a loving thought to yourself? Maybe it’s appreciation for the connection, the knowing you have not been abandoned by the part of you that is not identity, but goes beyond labels, words, explanations.

  6. Perhaps you are now able to profess out loud your joy for your authentic Self. The Soul of you. Keep moving into the depth of your eyes and feeling without thought.

This is a beautiful way to get in touch with the core of you—your soul. Don’t make any experience wrong, and do this exercise at your own pace. Within the depths of you is your true Love. You truly are exactly what you’ve been waiting for.

And as always, I’m available for private sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance in the form of energy work or intuitive life coaching.

2023Mary BauerComment