Can your body trust you?


How would you feel if you invited a friend to lunch and they canceled on you at the last minute? You’re already seated at the restaurant waiting, sipping water looking forward to this time with them. In fact, they had seemed excited about getting together with you too, but then you get the call—sorry, I can’t make it.  

But not only can’t they make it, they tell you something better came up. Something they’d rather do. And this isn’t the first time they’ve canceled on you. When you consider just how many times you’ve been stood up by them, you realize it’s more often than not. 

Would you still trust this friend? Is this even a friend? Or would you finally have enough and stop asking them to lunch or anything else?

This is how many of us treat our body. We make promises to exercise, slow down, eat the foods it asks us to eat, meditate/pray, laugh more, judge less, get out in nature, ground, stop saying yes when we mean no.

But instead of keeping our promises, we easily distract ourselves with ‘better offers’ such as technology and addictive behaviors. We find all kinds of ways to run and distract so we don’t have to sit in the quiet and examine our thoughts and feelings. Even helping others can be a major distraction from self-examination.

If we are anxious or depressed or hurting, our body is letting us know exactly what kind of friend we’ve been to it. Why should it trust us? And if we want that trust back, we’re going to have to do more than make promises. We’re going to have to follow through by acting on those promises.

I find myself in this spot. I have one of those bodies that has held up to anything I’ve asked of it without much complaint. It consistently shows up at the restaurant even if I don’t. But no more. In January I woke one morning with a stiff knee seemingly out of the blue that quickly became a hugely swollen leg I couldn’t ignore.

An MRI proved an old torn meniscus injury. Had surgery in March, but didn’t do a lot of resting. Things to do, you know. April 30th I wake with the other knee stiff and within two day the entire leg swollen—exactly like the first leg. X-rays showed healthy bone and cartilage (just like last time), and I’m certain the MRI will confirm meniscus injury again.

My knees have not bothered me before, but we are in a very different time on earth energy-wise. Everything hidden is now being shown for our evolution. My knees are about moving forward in this unprecedented time of opportunity to truly break free from all patterns and beliefs not in alignment with the ease of the Life Force energy that lives within me (and you). I got the clear message that my excuses will no longer have a leg to stand on.

And that’s a good thing. As painful as it can be to do our own deep work, it’s vital we do it when the opportunity arises if the goal is moving forward in our evolution with ease, freedom, joy. So, I’ve taken myself off the schedule for the next couple of weeks to do just that. I trust my body. I trust its messages and I want it to trust me again.

I’ve gone back to journaling, support through other healers both medical and spiritual energetics, and I’m allowing my heart to express it’s deep-held emotions with great gratitude and love. I’m working through any and all resistance I feel toward anyone or anything, including myself and my process.  

I know all of us in our own way are moving from a mental, fear-based society to one of heart-centered unity. And that can stop us in our tracks for our own highest good in order for us to take the necessary steps to build a solid and aligned foundation within our God inspired life force connection. Much love to each of you as you find your own best path in this process.   

And as always, I’m available for private sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance in the form of
energy work or intuitive life coaching.

2023Mary BauerComment