What I learned by helping a kitten


A week ago, I heard a consistent, pitiful, break-your-heart mewing from the wilds of our flower garden/lilac bushes. The closer I got, the louder the mewing. I spied a lonely 4-week-old gray-stripped kitten in a thicket who was too frightened to come out no matter how I coaxed.

Of course, I got the hubby involved. And of course, the farm boy was successful. He came out of the bushes cuddling the kitten, his forearms bleeding from sharp, clawing branches. Is there any wonder why I love this man?

He administered eye drops to the little guy because both eyes were half-closed with infection. We fed it milk, had a little debate about who the mother might be and what should be done with him. In the end, we let him go back to the wilds.

The following day I heard the same pitiful mewing next to the house in a row of some wickedly thick bushes. No way to get him out and every time I tried, he just moved to the next spot and I ended up with scratched hands. 

Then it hit me…

Everything is energy. Everything has a specific vibration. I got comfy on the sidewalk and imagined what the vibration of his mother might feel like. Then I raised my heart to be in sync with that energy, thinking I might be able to draw him out.

But who came running from out of nowhere? Our feral cat Brownie. My husband assured me the kitten wasn’t hers as her batch is quite a bit bigger. Brownie wound herself around me a couple times but I didn’t touch her. I’ve learned. Brownie’s presence did create a solution though, as the little kitten came out from the bushes. Peaceful. No longer frightened.

Brownie licked him a few times, a surprise as she usually beats anyone who comes near her. Then I picked him up and he was fine with it. Got him fed and put him back in the bushes.

Now since just yesterday, we discovered a surprising twist. The little one does indeed belong to Brownie; he’s just the runt of the litter. She must have needed some extra help with him. He now looks healthy and trots along with his two other siblings.

So, I did connect to the mother after all. It was always Brownie.

I encourage you to be open to doing things differently in this New World of energy. We can no longer force anything or we will suffer. Come from the space of love centered within your heart and all magic unfolds.

And as always, I’m available for private sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance in the form of energy work or intuitive life coaching.

2023Mary BauerComment