What kind of Life Garden are you planting?
It’s spring! Yay! I love spring. But do you know what I don’t love?
I don’t.
Because it’s never finished. I was pulling weeds from my flower beds feeling like mission accomplished, and a day later there are more. Sometimes even the same day there are more!
Ugh. It gets old to have to redo the same things over and over. Mind numbing tedious. And I catch myself overwhelmed with the thoughts that a certain weed has now entered yet another flower bed and I’ll never be able to get it all out. Why do I bother?
And then it hits me: Isn’t this the way it is with my belief system? Am I not in the process of rooting out all habits, thoughts, and actions not in alignment with moving toward the changes I want to experience everywhere in my life?
And like my garden weeds, if I’m not vigilant old habits do sneak into my thoughts which turn into feelings and actions that create even more of the results I no longer enjoy. And when at my lowest, it’s easy to slip into a mindset of why bother to change? Why go through all the work?
Because once I’m rested, my mind at ease and truly my largest sense of Self again, I feel the glow of Life flowing through me and there’s nothing that compares. This is my connection to the God Essence which expresses through me, around me, and is me. Being in nature, hands in dirt, breathing in the sunshine and feeling this great aliveness reminds me my connection to the All of Creation is worth every effort.
It’s up to me to discern what needs weeding and then do it in gratitude and remembrance that Life provides the vehicle of expression perfectly matched for my level of awareness and learning. My garden cannot flourish if I use any of these poisons: blaming, complaining, judging, justifying and avoidance. Patience, compassion, and perseverance are the tools best suited for the long growing season.
Sending you love and encouragement for the strength and courage needed to tend your own Life Garden should you spot a weed, even as I tend to mine. Oh, what beautiful gardens we are creating! Happy Spring!
And as always, I’m available for private sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance in the form of energy work or intuitive life coaching.