Did you know there’s a section of your brain that notices negative stimuli before positive? The amygdala. Its primary role is the formation and storage of memories associated with emotional events including fear, anxiety, and aggression.
Read MoreI’ve got a little tip for you today that’s super useful if you need answers to questions but they don’t seem forthcoming.
Read MoreThere are so many people right now with headaches, migraines, aching joints, frozen joints, back pain, neck pain, leg pain, foot and ankle pain, hot flashes, and so on. Of course, check with your doctor, but most of these symptoms are typical of your body adjusting to changes you are making in your mental, emotional, and spiritual energy bodies that are more in alignment with who you are as an authentic Soul Self.
Read MoreThe other day while talking with a lovely client, I heard her proclaim the very thing she’s trying to transcend. She said, “I am a worrier.”
Read MoreFeeling a little crazy lately? Maybe moodier than usual and not yourself? Something big and uncomfortable and perhaps a little scary building inside you?
Read MoreWhen I worked as an interior designer for more than 30 years, I saw how the right colors in my clients’ living space created more than a home, it created a sanctuary that transformed the way they felt about themselves. It seemed to lighten them with joy and peace.
Read MoreThere are many ways to enhance your spiritual connection so you feel grounded in your body. Meditation, yoga, music, etc. Without grounding into the nature of you—the vibrational essence commonly called God/Source/Creator/Intuition/Highest Power/All, we tend to feel lost, scattered, uninspired, unwell, lonely as if something is missing. Life becomes dull, burdensome, and anxiety driven, instead of joyful enthusiasm.
Read MoreWhen frustration and anger build in our bodies without release, the energy gets trapped in our liver. In ancient times, the Chinese found that by using the primal scream the blocked emotions released and the body came back into balance. They discovered yelling was good for the lungs and the liver.
Read MoreEverything has its own unique signatory vibration—its own energy pattern. Everything. That includes the energy of celebration. Are you celebrating all of your creations?
Read MoreThere’s more than one way to meditate to still the mind and open the heart. Images of great beauty and joyful music can also be openings to the inner realm of your highest nature—a pathway to the Source that powers you.
Read MoreThe plant medicine I want to talk about today won’t give you diarrhea, make you vomit, or give you a high so you can be more creative, see your life path, or take a look at your psychic trauma. The plants I’m talking about support your body’s natural inclination toward perfect health.
Read MoreThe other day I was helping my dad a little by writing out some checks to pay his bills. He does great on his own, but his handwriting is a bit shaky now. He looked at the checks with disgusted futility and said, “I’m never going to get ahead.”
Read MoreI was talking with a friend on the phone and she mentioned the only personal possession she got from her father’s estate was a ring he loved. She described the ring and told me how special it was to her, reminiscing about seeing her father wear it. He had beautiful hands, she said, and then shared other fond memories of her dad with the ring.
Read MoreSolar eclipse/lunar eclipse it’s easy to get out of balance with all this big energy hitting us right now. We just had a full solar eclipse April 30th and now here comes a lunar eclipse May15-16. You might feel more emotional, less motivated, experience body aches and exhaustion. Your medicines don’t work like they did, relationships have gotten more problematic, and not much makes sense to you these days. What is happening?!
Read MoreLast week we explored the importance of just letting go. When things seem too hard, or there seems to be too many roadblocks, sometimes the best thing we can do is give up expecting something to happen the way we think it should.
Read MoreWhat does letting go feel like when you don’t want to do it? Painful and ugly. At least that’s what I experienced when I had to give up and let go of my heart’s dream to be a published book author.
Read MoreDoing your part to elevate humanity in its evolutionary transition sounds overwhelmingly lofty, doesn’t it? Yet it can be somewhat simplified by answering these two questions:
Read MoreI recently bought champagne flutes. Good crystal. Always wanted some. Broke the first one before I even had a chance to use it. Totally me being careless as I washed them.
Read MoreI spent last week with my grandchildren at their house. Their parents were on vacation. I had a blast, but I noticed a strange phenomenon. I wasn’t attached to any of the “stuff” in the home.
Read MoreWe all have our moments when we feel life sucks. Our glass isn’t just half empty, it’s bone dry. It’s at these times our perspective about our life, other people, and the world at large can be pretty negative.
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